The Goonies is a cult-classic adventure-comedy, directed by Richard Donner and released back in June 1985. Starring superstars namely Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, and Jeff Cohen, the movie focussed on a group of friends who called themselves The Goonies.
Further, the original movie also starred the likes of Ke Huy Quan and Corey Feldman. The original film saw The Goonies come across a derelict treasure map, sparking off a dangerous adventure. The Goonies, released in 1985, became a cult classic, boasting a 7.7 rating on IMDb.
Now, almost 40 years later, Warner Bros. has greenlit a sequel, with production expected to begin as early as next summer. A number of the original cast members are expected to return, including Brolin, Sean Astin, and Cohen. Both Ke Huy Quan and Jeff Cohen are also expected to feature in the sequel.
However, there is still a lack of clarity on the kind of direction the project might take.
Several original cast members of The Goonies expected to return in the sequel
Several actors from the original The Goonies are reportedly set to appear in the sequel as well, which has been in the pipeline for years.
The likes of Sean Astin, Corey Feldman, and Josh Brolin are expected to reprise their roles, with Ke Huy Quan and Jeff Cohen also suspected to return. Ke Huy Quan, who recently won an Oscar for Everything Everywhere All At Once, will be a major addition to the sequel.
Apart from Donner, who was the director and producer for the original movie, John Matuszak passed away as well, back in 1989. Matuszak played the role of Sloth in the original The Goonies. Further, reports claim that Steven Spielberg will continue to play a major role, even though no director has been allotted to the project yet, according to The Sun.
However, the lack of a script and uncertainty related to the original cast meant that there was no progress on the sequel. With Warner Bros. greenlighting the project, production is reportedly expected to begin as early as next summer, with a potential release in 2026, or 2027, as per The Sun.
According to a source (via The Sun), Warner Bros. is determined to include several stars from the original movie.
“The Goonies reboot has been talked about for a long time but it’s finally been given the green light to go ahead. The plan is to start developing the ideas for the follow up next summer, with a possible release date of 2026 or 2027," they said.
The source added:
"The original is so culturally significant, Warner Bros. know they have to get it totally right. It’s likely major stars will come back but the possibilities of where to take the sequel are endless.”
The production house seems determined to recapture the essence of the first movie but also wants to make it appropriate for modern audiences. The news will be delightful for fans, with the studio reportedly determined to get the sequel right. The source continued:
“The team who are going to be starting work on the project are so excited. It is early days but the youth adventure market is on fire, so they want to capitalise on this. The Goonies is 39 years old now and the idea that they can bring the magic of the film to a whole new audience has the team very excited.”
The original movie, directed by Richard Donner, was based on a story by Steven Spielberg. However, the source also mentioned that the Warner Bros. team is toying with a range of ideas concerning the story. The sequel will require a new director, considering Richard Donner met his demise back in July 2021.
The Goonies sequel can feature a range of new faces. Additionally, quite a few of the original stars are also likely to appear. As things stand, fans can expect new information soon, including on the specific cast members who will be making appearances.
With production expected to kickstart next summer, a range of updates can be expected in the coming time.