Bagman, a horror-thriller directed by Colm McCarthy and produced by Lionsgate, released on September 20, 2024. It is going to be a terrifying film as the dreaded figure from childhood returns to haunt Patrick McKee. Iain Canning, Emile Sherman, and Fodhla Cronin O'Reilly have produced the film.
It is going to be a gripping, intense drama. Sam Claflin plays the lead role as Patrick who needs to protect his family from one of the creepiest characters that steal children using toys and candy as bait. The other main casts of the movie include Antonia Thomas, Frankie Corio, William Hope, Steven Cree, Adelle Leonce, and Henry Pettigrew.
This twisted story of the creepy character starts just like a childhood legend but then turns into a real nightmare for Patrick and his family. Bagman combines psychological horror with a creepy folktale, which makes it suspenseful and even eerie.
What is the plot of Bagman?
A living nightmare awaits when the terrifying creature from Patrick McKee's past comes to visit in the movie Bagman. A dark legend that, for centuries, had instilled fear in the hearts of children, the myth behind the figure of Bagman was known as a darkness that kidnapped innocent kids and placed them into their decaying, rotten bag, which no one ever saw again.
Patrick narrowly escaped being kidnapped by the Bagman when he was a child. Ever since then, the traumatic experience has haunted him and has stayed deep-seated into his adulthood. Now grown up with a family of his own, Patrick finds himself dragging his worst fear into his face when the evil returns, targeting Patrick's wife, Karina (Antonia Thomas), and his young son, Jake (Caréll Rhoden).
Just when Patrick thinks that he's about to embrace the normalcy of adult life, strange and weird things start occurring. He comes to realize that the evil force that terrorized him in his childhood is not just a memory but a living threat that would now finally descend upon him.
Now it is not just about the survival of Patrick and his family but it becomes a desperate fight as they try to outwit and escape from the Bagman who now has the final target on Jake. Patrick has a life-long battle with the creature haunting him, but simultaneously, he also has to face the fear and the sense of guilt he had created since he was a child.
With time running out, Patrick runs against time as the Bagman takes his game twistedly and saves his family from the nightmare haunting them for so long. This is, indeed, a tale of survival, courage, and exposure to horrors while facing trauma that was buried a long time ago.
The cast details
The movie features a talented ensemble cast led by Sam Claflin, who takes on the role of Patrick McKee, a man haunted by a sinister creature from his childhood. Claflin, known for his roles in The Hunger Games series and Me Before You, brings depth to Patrick, a character grappling with trauma while trying to protect his family from an ancient evil.
Joining Claflin is Antonia Thomas as Karina McKee, Patrick’s supportive wife. Thomas, recognized for her work in Misfits and The Good Doctor, plays a key role in the film as Karina, who is pulled into a horrifying nightmare.
Caréll Rhoden portrays Jake, the couple’s young son, whose innocence and vulnerability make him the prime target. The supporting cast further enriches the film, with William Hope, Steven Cree, Adelle Leonce, and Henry Pettigrew contributing to the suspenseful narrative.
Bagman is currently playing in the theatres since September 20, 2024.
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