Released in 2024, Before Dawn is a war-drama movie that delves into World War 1. It follows a fictional outback kid Jim Collins and his battalion on the Western Front as he understands the intricacies of war and how staying alive as a trench soldier is a constant struggle.
The movie depicts the trials and tribulations of war, as well as the kind of emotional and mental impact that participating in it can have on soldiers. Before Dawn has the following official synopsis, according to IMDB:
“The journey of fictional WA outback kid Jim Collins and his battalion on the Western Front.”
The movie itself stars multiple up-and-coming actors, with the starring role taken by Levi Miller. The movie has been directed by Jordon Prince-Wright, who also co-wrote the script alongside Jarrad Russell. Before Dawn currently has a rating of 5.4 on IMDB, and presents a fictitious take on World War I.
Before Dawn: Full list of cast and characters
1) Levi Miller as Jim Collins
Miller plays Jim Collins, who is a young soldier belonging to the Western Australia outback. Collins is thrust into a dangerous position as he becomes a trench soldier and struggles to keep himself alive without leaving any of his fellow men behind.
The actor himself has starred in multiple major movies in the past and plays the role of a reluctant soldier who transforms completely by the narrative’s end. Miller has previously been seen in movies such as Pan, Better Watch Out, and A Wrinkle in Time.
2) Travis Jeffery as Thomas Nickels
Travis Jeffery plays the role of Thomas NIckels, a fellow trench soldier who becomes Collins’ best friend. He takes up a central role in the narrative as Collins is forced to stay back during an enemy onslaught in a bid to protect his friend.
Jeffery has also been seen in multiple major projects in the past and was seen in this movie as a reserved soldier who joins the army in a bid to escape his past. The actor has previously been seen in movies such as Unbroken and 2014’s Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and delivers a poignant performance in Before Dawn.
3) Ed Oxenbould as Don
Another soldier in the battalion that Jim Collins is sent to is Don played by Ed Oxenbould. He is another young soldier thrust into the intense war on the Western Front. Don joins the army as a struggling kid who is almost unfazed by war but eventually is seen losing his calm as he understands the brutalities of it.
Ed Oxenbould is known for his performances in movies such as Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day and The Visit but Before Dawn represents the actor’s biggest role to date.
Apart from the three names above, a range of other elite artists have been seen on the screen in Before Dawn. This includes the following:
- Stephen Peacocke as Cpl Beale
- Myles Pollard as Sgt Beaufort
- Jordan Dulieu as Ned Wright
- Darren Jasper as Anzac Soldier
- Oscar Millar as Hammond
- Lawrence Murphy as Charlie
- Isaac Davies as The Bloody Digger
- Noah D'Annunzio as Photographer
- Peter Sullivan as Archie
- Peter Williams as Roy
- Robbie Anderson as Anzac Soldier
- Paul Walenkamp as Lieutenant Longhorn
Before Dawn is currently available to be watched on multiple platforms, including Amazon Prime and Apple TV. While the movie has not received the kind of favorable reviews and ratings that one would expect Before Dawn’s R-rating has surely played a role in restricting its audience.