Colors of Evil: Red is a Polish film that premiered on Netflix on May 29, 2024. The film directed by acclaimed director Adrian Panek follows the story of a prosecutor named Leopold Bilski (Jakub Gierszał) and is based on the popular Polish book of the same name Kolory Zła: Czerwień by Małgorzata Oliwia Sobczak.
Colors of Evil: Red highlights how the prosecutor investigates the murder of a young woman whose body is found on the beaches of Poland. As he delves deeper into the investigation, old cases are reopened and a chilling revelation comes to light. The official synopsis of the film as per Netflix reads:
"When a girl's body is found on a beach in Poland's Tricity, a prosecutor teams up with the victim's mother on an impassioned quest for the truth."
The chilling plot of Colors of Evil: Red is backed by a group of stellar actors, who bring their characters to life.
Colors of Evil: Red stars Jakub Gierszal, Maja Ostaszewska, and Zofia Jastrzębska in prominent roles
1) Jakub Gierszal as Leopold Bilski
Polish actor Jakub Gierszal takes the lead in Colors of Evil: Red. He investigates the murder of a young bartender named Monika Bogucka, whose body is found at Tricity Beach in Poland. Gierszal's character, Leopold Bilski is an ambitious prosecutor who delves deep into the case. He finds a correlation between Monika's death and the death of another victim from a decade ago. He strives for justice and navigates through several obstacles, as he works to crack the case.
Jakub Gierszal is a prominent Polish actor and he made a name for himself after his debut film All That I Love (2009). He has also starred in numerous Polish, German, and English films and has played pivotal roles in The Getaway King (2021), and Doppelgänger (2023).
2) Maja Ostaszewska as Helena Bogucka
Maja Ostaszewska is a popular actress who plays Helena Bogucka, the victim, Monika Bogucka's mother. She is a judge who is seen dealing with issues in her marriage. Monika's death has a massive impact on her and she tries to piece her life back together. She then begins helping the investigator, Leopold Bilski with the case.
Maja Ostaszewska has taken on a plethora of prominent roles across films and television series. She played a minor role in the film Schindler's List (1993) and took on prominent roles in films including Katyń (2007), Jack Strong (2014), and Body (2015).
3) Zofia Jastrzębska as Monika Bogucka
Zofia Jastrzębska has a limited but prominent role in Colors of Evil: Red. Her character, Monika Bogucka is a bartender who winds up being murdered and found on the shores of Trinity Beach. The story takes a turn as several suspects come to light, making for an intriguing plot.
Zofia Jastrzębska is a Polish actress known for her roles in films like A Girl and an Astronaut (2023) and Kundel (2022).
Other members of the cast of Netflix's Colors of Evil: Red
Colors of Evil: Red features an ensemble cast including Jakub Gierszal, Maja Ostaszewska, and Zofia Jastrzębska. The other prominent members of the cast are:
- Andrzej Konopka as Tadeusz Dubiela
- Przemyslaw Bluszcz as Lukasz Kazarski 'Kazar'
- Wojciech Zielinski as Waldemar Mila
- Andrzej Zielinski as Roman Bogucki
- Jan Wieteska as Mario Dubiela
- Lukasz Pawlowski as Kita
- Zbigniew Stryj as Ambroziak
- Szymon Czacki as Jakubiak
Colors of Evil: Red is currently available to stream on Netflix.
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