Emilia Perez, a French musical crime comedy film, streams on Netflix starting November 13, 2024. Directed by Jacques Audiard, this unique story combines crime, drama and musical elements, depicting an intense tale of transformation. On November 1, 2024, the film will hit theatres in the USA and Canada.
Audiard, renowned for his creative approach, brings this adaptation of his opera libretto to life, drawing inspiration from Boris Razon’s 2018 novel, Écoute. The film centers on Rita Mora Castro, a lawyer who's reluctantly defending a high-profile case. She subsequently encounters the infamous cartel leader, Juan "Manitas" Del Monte. Manitas aspires to begin a new life as Emilia Perez.
The characters delve into themes of identity, redemption and belonging through a captivating journey that crosses continents and seamlessly integrates the past with the present. Audiard's casting decisions are evident in the critical roles each character assumes in the unfolding drama.
The core cast includes Zoe Saldaña, Karla Sofía Gascón, Selena Gomez and Adriana Paz, who bring emotional depth and resonance to the complex story of Emilia Perez, enhancing its dramatic and musical undertones. Audiard's selection of a diverse, talented cast reflects his vision for a powerful and resonant narrative.
Exploring the full cast list of Emilia Perez
Main Cast
1) Zoe Saldaña as Rita Mora Castro
Rita, a lawyer who becomes deeply involved in a cartel leader's escape plan, is portrayed by Saldaña, who brings her expertise to the role.
Saldaña, known for her roles in Guardians of the Galaxy and Avatar, shows her adaptability and emotional depth in her dynamic performance as Rita, a character who's torn between moral dilemmas and unexpected alliances.
2) Karla Sofía Gascón as Emilia Pérez / Juan "Manitas" Del Monte
Gascón takes on the challenging role of Juan “Manitas” Del Monte, a notorious cartel leader who transitions into Emilia Pérez. Gascón's portrayal of this complex journey reflects her extensive experience in dramatic roles.
3) Selena Gomez as Jessi Del Monte
Gomez portrays Jessi, the conflicted wife of Manitas, whose life takes a turbulent turn following her husband’s transformation.
Known for her work in Only Murders in the Building, Gomez lends her nuanced emotional expression to Jessi’s character, illuminating the family’s struggle and conflicting loyalties.
4) Adriana Paz as Epifanía Flores
Paz plays Epifanía, a key figure who interacts closely with Emilia, both personally and within Emilia's nonprofit efforts. Paz’s background in films like La Tirisia has equipped her to embody this multifaceted role, highlighting the depth of Epifanía’s resilience and dedication.
5) Édgar Ramírez as Gustavo Brun
Ramírez portrays Gustavo, Jessi's lover, whose involvement with Jessi complicates their lives.
Known for his roles in Zero Dark Thirty and Carlos, Ramírez infuses Gustavo with intensity, creating a character that's motivated by ambition and desire and plays an essential part in the story's climax.
6) Mark Ivanir as Dr. Wasserman
Ivanir portrays the determined Dr. Wasserman, the surgeon who was responsible for Manitas' transformation into Emilia. Ivanir, a seasoned actor who's recognized for his performance in The Good Shepherd, contributes a complex yet tranquil energy to the role.
Supporting cast
6) James Gerard as Simon
Gerard portays Simon, Emilia's trusted friend. His work in European movies gives Simon's character a more realistic feel, raising the tension of the movie.
7) Shiraz Tzarfati
Tzarfati appears in a minor yet memorable role, aiding the storyline's darker aspects with his nuanced performance.
8) Agathe Bokja as Thai Nurse
Bokja’s role as a Thai nurse is brief but essential, portraying a key support figure during Manitas’ surgical journey. Her skillful performance adds authenticity to the story’s diverse settings.
9) Lucas Varoclier as Young Diego
Varoclier brings emotional weight to the character of young Diego, reflecting Emilia’s family ties. His past roles in French drama contribute to his portrayal of a character grappling with identity.
10) Adriana Paz as Epifanía Flores
Paz brings a strong presence as Epifanía, representing the community's voice. Her past work in Spanish-language cinema allows her to convey Epifanía’s deep resolve and connection with Emilia’s cause.
Marie-Elisabeth Robert, Eric Geynes and Eduardo Aladro play significant roles in shaping the film’s landscape, from friends and associates to key witnesses.
Production team
Jacques Audiard, a visionary director, expertly integrates music, choreography and drama, stands in the shadow of Emilia Perez. Thomas Bidegain, Nicolas Livecchi and Léa Mysius contributed to the screenplay's refinement.
Audiard's selection of composers, Camille and Clément Ducol, enriches the emotional depth of the musical segments. Choreographer Damien Jalet crafted dance sequences that captivates the audience and encapsulates the story's rhythm.
The film seems to merge crime, transformation and the pursuit of freedom in a compelling narrative that examines complex identities.
Emilia Perez will be available to stream from November 13, 2024.
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