In a twist befitting the world of the franchise, Furiosa: The Mad Max Saga marked a notable first for the franchise by debuting at #1 at the box office. This achievement stood out, particularly because no previous film in the series had managed this feat on its opening weekend. Furiosa, which was released on May 24, 2024, is the prequel to the 2015 hit film Mad Max: Fury Road. The film was directed by George Miller, with Doug Mitchell as the producer. It was among the most anticipated releases of the year.
Furiousa has been on a wave of positive critical acclaim and the legacy of its predecessor. However, its strong start in terms of ranking couldn't hold up because the financial figures tell a more troubling story. This started discussions and raised concerns about the broader implications for the movie industry.
The movie is struggling financially due to a combination of factors. Firstly, the shrinking window between theatrical and digital releases has dampened audience urgency to see films in theaters. Secondly, its status as a prequel has not drawn the same level of excitement as original entries, a trend seen across other franchises. Lastly, its niche appeal and targeted demographic have limited its audience reach, affecting its overall box office performance.
Box office breakdown: How Furiosa fared financially
Furiosa opened over the Memorial Day weekend on May 24, 2024, which is traditionally a lucrative slot for major releases. However, the box office receipts were less than stellar. Domestically, the film pulled in an estimated $31 million to $33 million over the four-day period, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Internationally, the situation wasn't much brighter, with the film garnering around $33 million, bringing its global opening total between $64 million and $66 million. The performance is notably subdued, especially given the film's major production scale and the pedigree of its director.
The film's domestic opening is one of the lowest for a Memorial Day release in decades, a stark contrast to more successful releases in previous years. For instance, 2023's Memorial Day frame grossed close to $205 million, substantially higher than 2024's total of $124.7 million, off by nearly 40%. Furiosa's performance even prompted industry insiders to question the future viability of blockbuster releases during this historically major weekend.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, such figures could be symptomatic of larger issues within the theatrical release model. This was exacerbated by the quick pivot to digital platforms post-theater run.
Comparing Furiosa to its franchise forerunners
When juxtaposed with previous Mad Max films, Furiosa's box office figures might seem particularly disheartening. For instance, Mad Max: Fury Road, opened to $45.4 million domestically in mid-May of 2015. It eventually grossed $154.2 million domestically and $380.4 million worldwide.
It was a high point for the franchise, showcasing a major appetite for Miller's visionary post-apocalyptic chaos. In contrast, earlier entries like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior had more modest takings. However, those films did not face the current challenges of digital streaming and a shifting audience demographic.
The comparison becomes even starker considering the broader appeal and audience turnout for Fury Road compared to the more niche appeal of Furiosa. The latest film drew substantially less interest from younger audiences and women, according to PostTrak data.
Only 2% of viewers were between the ages 13–17 and 29% of viewers were female. This, in turn, shows its struggle to reach beyond its core fanbase of older males.
Moreover, the marketing strategy and the nature of the prequel might have also impacted its performance. Prequels historically tend to generate less excitement than their predecessors, as seen with other franchises. The lack of enthusiasm, combined with what some critics called a confusing marketing campaign, may have dampened the potential turnout.
However, achieving a historic first for the Mad Max franchise by topping the box office on its debut weekend was the kickstart the movie needed. Additionally, Furiousa: A Mad Max Saga faces an uphill battle in the current cinematic landscape. Its performance raises questions about the changing dynamics of moviegoing, the impact of streaming, and the types of films that can draw crowds in a post-pandemic world.
As it stands, the prequel might not roar as loudly as expected in the box office wasteland, despite its pioneering status within the Mad Max saga. However, it is too early to make an assumption.
Furiousa: A Mad Max Saga is currently running in theaters, and there has been no announcement made about its release on any streaming site. With a runtime of 2 hours and 28 minutes, the film stars Anya Taylor Joy, Chris Hemsworth, and Tom Burke.
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