The Cruel Intentions 2024 television show is adapted from the 1999 blockbuster movie of the same name. The series, created by Roger Kumble, was originally planned to be shown on NBC. However, the pilot episode was not picked for a full season. It was later made available on Amazon Prime Video in 2024.
The movie featured a talent group cast of various age groups from teenagers to adults. Reese Witherspoon, who played Annette Hargrove in the movie, was 22 years old when she got featured in Cruel Intentions.
Cruel Intentions 2024, with its dramatic twists and stylish environment, aims to captivate both fans of the film and new viewers. The show is set several years after the film, and the storyline revolves around other themes of war manipulation, betrayal, and avarice as in the original story.
The series also introduces new characters while keeping the connections to the old characters of the movie, like Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, and Reese Witherspoon.
Early life and background of Cruel Intentions' Reese Witherspoon
Reese Witherspoon was born on March 22, 1976, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Later, she was raised in Nashville. As a student, she was interested in acting and she played many important parts in school plays.
Breakthrough roles in films such as The Man in the Moon (1991) and Freeway (1996) announced her as a talented young actress.
In 1999, Reese was just 22 years old when she featured in the role of a pure peaceful character in Cruel Intentions, a young woman by the name of Annette Hargrove, the daughter of a headmaster in school. She plays a pivotal character, being the difference between the dishonest maneuvers of Kathryn Merteuil, played by Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Sebastian Valmont, played by Ryan Phillippe.
Annette writes an essay about waiting for true love, which makes her the prime victim of Sebastian's plan. However, her honesty and kindness make Sebastian reconsider his actions.
While Witherspoon had already gained attention for her work in indie films like Election and Pleasantville, Cruel Intentions made her face well known. The film's success established her as an actress who can play many roles, subsequently leading to a career that boasts over 50 films.
Watch the movie Cruel Intensions 1999 and its adaptation series Cruel Intentions released on November 20, 2024, on Amazon Prime Video.