A Different Man, a new dark comedy thriller from A24 starring Sebastian Stan, explores identity and societal bias. The film follows a man undergoing radical procedures that change his appearance, leading him to question his own identity and others' perceptions of him. Directed by Schimberg, the movie delves into life on the margins and examines the emotional and psychological effects of being seen as "different."
A Different Man premiered in selected theatres on September 20, 2024, and released globally on October 4, 2024. Streaming platforms will soon be offering the movie, and one can watch it at home from November 5, 2024.
A Different Man: Digital release and streaming release details explored
A Different Man, starring Sebastian Stan and Adam Pearson, will be available for streaming on November 5, 2024, on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV+. Amazon Prime Video subscribers can watch it with their $14.99 monthly plan or an $8.99 Prime Video-only plan. Apple TV+ subscribers can also stream it for $9.99 per month, with a seven-day free trial for new users.
Given the affordability of Apple TV+, it will find a space in the market and can offer a rich library of original movies and series to stream along with this film. The digital release corresponds to the service provider's purpose in offering exclusive material to the audience, thus making A Different Man available for home cinema lovers.
What is A Different Man about?
A dark comedic psychodrama about Edward, an actor with neurofibromatosis, a rare genetic disorder that causes benign facial tumors. Despite his talent as an actor, Edward is frequently cast in roles that play up his distinctive appearance, limiting his career and perpetuating his feelings of isolation.
All of this changes when he undergoes an experimental face surgery, launching him on a complex journey of transformation. It gave Edward a new face that would bring him more confidence and opportunities. Assuming the character "Guy," he revels in his newfound life and is thriving as a real estate agent, embracing the attention he once avoided.
Still, this outward change didn't erase his internal struggle, and the psychological after-effect of his transformation shows up when he auditions for a play written by his neighbor Ingrid about his former self. The film introduces Oswald, an actor who shares the same past as Edward and pits him against Edward to take on the same role.
This tension adds a different dimension to the central themes of identity, acceptance, and authenticity. Through its intricate characters and compelling performances, the movie challenges viewers to think about how we perceive ourselves and others and what it means to be truly seen.
Cast list explored
The full cast list of A Different Man is actually a very fine ensemble and includes Sebastian Stan in both roles, Edward Lemuel and Guy Moratz.
Renate Reinsve stars as Ingrid Vold, Edward's neighbor and a playwright, while Adam Pearson, who has neurofibromatosis, brings authenticity to the role of Oswald, adding depth to the film’s exploration of identity.
Carl is played by C. Mason Wells, Nick is played by Owen Kline, Ron Belcher by Charlie Korsmo, and the director by Patrick Wang. Michael Shannon appears in his own role, and Mark Geller plays the enigmatic Ragged Man and completes a cast that helps to bring this dark comedy psychodrama to the screen.
A Different Man will be available for streaming soon if it was missed in the theatres.