Bad Boys: Ride or Die is the fourth thrilling installment in the iconic "Bad Boys" franchise, which began back in 1995 under the direction of Michael Bay. Starring the dynamic duo of Martin Lawrence and Will Smith, the franchise has become synonymous with high-octane action, witty banter, and explosive set pieces. Over the years, the Bad Boys series has garnered a dedicated fanbase, and with each sequel, the anticipation has only grown.
The latest film, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, continues the legacy with even more excitement, humor, and heart-pounding moments.
Bad Boys Ride or Die came out in theaters on June 7th of 2024 where it became an instant hit among action-comedy fans worldwide, but those who have missed it at the cinema now can catch it from their living room through various means, such as Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+ and more.
How to watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die at home?
Those who failed to make it to theaters for Bad Boys Ride or Die can now watch it on their couches. On July 23rd, 2024, the movie was made available digitally meaning that it can be streamed or bought from various popular platforms. If fans would like to watch detectives Mike Lowrey portrayed by Will Smith and Marcus Burnett played by Martin Lawrence in their latest adventure within different digital channels, here are some options.
Apple TV, Prime Video, Fandango as well as VUDU are offering Bad Boys: Ride or Die for rent/purchase. People usually have two options when using these platforms depending on whether they prefer renting once-off or having permanent ownership rights over films.
Prime video rental costing $4.49 is the cheapest option, while buying it for $14.99 means that you can keep it in your collection forever. Moreover, if you are a follower of streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video be on the lookout as they frequently append blockbuster films to their rosters.
What is Bad Boys: Ride or Die about?
This movie’s plot continues the story of Miami’s finest detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett who get caught up in another high-stakes situation. This time around though, they become embroiled with corruption within their police force when taking part in a complex investigation.
The storyline takes on a darker tone when Mike, being more family-oriented than his partner, suffers a heart attack that makes him believe he cannot die thus complicating further any dangerous situations they find themselves in.
There is a twist in the story when news reports link Captain Howard’s death to possible corruption. Still, Mike and Marcus believe that someone set up Howard, especially after finding out that he was just about to reveal the true faces behind this corruption ring.
The pair of detectives press on and conclude that he was killed so as not to speak out thereby leading the two detectives to go rogue to catch the real culprits.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die is not only about action and comedy; it also touches on loyalty, friendship, and moral questions posed to law enforcers. Navigating through corrupt departmental politics Mike and Marcus must rely on each other more than ever before if they are going to find out what truly happened and bring justice.
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