Legendary filmmaker Ken Loach's final cinematic endeavor, "The Old Oak," is slated for its digital and Video on Demand (VOD) release on June 4, 2024. This milestone comes after its world premiere at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival and subsequent limited theatrical release in the US on April 5, 2024.
The film garnered $7.7 million at the box office, which is considered good considering the set budget of $5.1 million demonstrating its critical and commercial appeal.
Directed by Ken Loach, known for his incisive social commentaries in films, The Old Oak shows a deep culmination of his illustrious career which further covers themes of community, resilience, and social dynamics in a changing world.
Streaming details of The Old Oak
The Old Oak will be available across several major digital platforms including, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, and Apple TV+. Each platform offers a subscription model which viewers can utilize to access the film. Securing access to The Old Oak will depend on the viewer's existing subscriptions, or they may opt to subscribe to one of these services specifically for this release.
Netflix offers three main subscription plans: the Standard with Ads plan at $6.99 per month allows streaming with ads on two devices in HD. The Standard plan, priced at $15.49 per month, provides ad-free viewing on two devices. The Premium plan at $22.99 per month offers ad-free streaming on four devices simultaneously with Ultra HD quality and spatial audio options.
Apple TV+ offers a straightforward subscription model at $9.99 per month, providing access to its library of original series and films. The service allows streaming on up to six devices simultaneously and offers a seven-day free trial. For new or eligible returning subscribers who purchase an Apple device, a three-month free trial is available.
Amazon Prime Video, however, is bundled with the Amazon Prime membership, which costs $14.99 and will provide access to a vast library of films, TV shows, Amazon Originals, and more.
Cast and their characters
The Old Oak has a group of actors led by Dave Turner as TJ Ballantyne playing the pub landlord whose life reflects the film's thematic heart. Ebla Mari portrays Yara, a young Syrian refugee and budding photojournalist, whose interactions with TJ form a central narrative arc.
Claire Rodgerson takes on the role of Laura, who collaborates with TJ in community efforts. Additional notable performances cover Trevor Fox as Charlie, Chris McGlade playing Vic, and a host of others who bring depth to the story's portrayal of a community at a crossroads.
The cast’s authentic portrayals contribute significantly to the film’s impact, which in turn provides a window into the lives of individuals navigating both personal and communal challenges.
What is The Old Oak about?
The Old Oak is set in a small mining town in Northeast England that's falling apart. The story revolves around the Old Oak pub, which is the last place in town where people come together, even circling the tough times they're facing. TJ Ballantyne, who runs the pub, is at the heart of the story. He's working hard to keep the pub open because it's one of the last places where the community can meet.
The film was made by Ken Loach, the director, and Paul Laverty, the writer and both of them look closely at how the personal stories of the people in the town are linked to bigger issues that affect everyone.
They show how changes in society impact these people in very personal ways. The movie brings in new characters, like Syrian refugees, who add new challenges and perspectives to the town which in turn shakes things up but also makes the town richer culturally.
Yara, who happens to be a young Syrian girl, and TJ, the pub owner, are central to the film and all their interactions show how the community is changing and adapting.
The film talks about themes like acceptance and the importance of helping each other out and through Yara and TJ's relationship, the film happens to celebrate the small acts of kindness and the strength people show during hard times.