The Little Mermaid is a 2024 fantasy horror movie directed by Leigh Scott. It is a dark version of Hans Christian Andersen's famous story of the same name. The movie was released on December 17, 2024, and is available on Lionsgate Play and major video-on-demand (VOD) services like Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play Movies, and Vudu for rent or purchase from the comfort of home.
The film, produced by MSR Media International, stars Mike Markoff, Jeff Denton, and Lydia Helen. The story revolves around Dr. Eric Prince, an archaeologist who discovers proof of an ancient civilization on a Caribbean island. As he digs, he meets the mysterious Aurora Bey, whose appearance is accompanied by mermaid sightings and mysterious disappearances.
As their relationship becomes deeper, Eric's mentor, Dr. Ashley, arrives and reveals Aurora's true identity and the dangers lurking within the dig site. Eric must choose between his love for Aurora and how she can be a danger to human life. The movie promises a fresh, spine-chilling experience for horror fans and fairytale enthusiasts alike.
How to watch The Little Mermaid (2024) at home?
The Little Mermaid horror adaptation was released on December 17, 2024. Those looking forward to watching this dark reimagining of Hans Christian Andersen's classic story can stream it digitally from the comfort of their homes. The film will be available on Lionsgate's official digital platforms, including major video-on-demand (VOD) services such as Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play Movies, and Vudu for rent or purchase.
This R-rated horror version blends mystery, fantasy, and suspense, offering a chilling twist on the beloved tale. Viewers can also expect its availability on other streaming platforms later in 2025, depending on Lionsgate’s licensing agreements.
All about Lionsgate's The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid (2024 horror remake) does something unique with a chilling take on Hans Christian Andersen's classic fairytale. The film dives into the darker aspects of ancient myths, obsession, and supernatural terror.
Unlike Disney's adaptations, this version introduces Dr. Eric Prince as an archaeologist who stumbles upon remnants of an ancient and advanced civilization on a secluded Caribbean island. While Eric’s discovery garners excitement, it comes with eerie mermaid sightings and unexplained disappearances.
The mysterious Aurora Bey, played by Natalia Janoszek, enters Eric’s life, captivating him with her beauty but harboring a dangerous secret. As Eric’s mentor, Dr. Ashley uncovers Aurora's dark truth, the story spirals into a thrilling conflict between love, deception, and survival.
The Caribbean locations of the film give it such breathtaking yet haunting visuals, which perfectly capture the eerie atmosphere of the story. Blending suspenseful storytelling with supernatural elements, the movie brings sirens to life as terrifying creatures, staying true to their darker origins in folklore.
Watch The Little Mermaid 2024 on Lionsgate Play.