Kevin Hart, a renowned name in the entertainment industry, faced severe backlash in the year 2018 due to his controversial LGBTQ remarks. This Oscars controversy began in December 2018, following his announcement as the host for the 2019 Academy Awards. Immediately after, several of his old homophobic tweets resurfaced.
These included remarks such as a 2011 post where he said:
“If my son comes home & tries to play with my daughter’s dollhouse, I’m going to break it over his head and say, ‘Stop, that’s gay.’”
As soon as these comments resurfaced, Hart initially refused to apologize for the tweets. Despite his stance, backlash mounted, with many criticizing his refusal to acknowledge the harm caused by his remarks. As the controversy grew, Hart ultimately decided to step down as host to avoid overshadowing the event. He tweeted:
“I do not want to be a distraction on a night that should be celebrated by so many amazing talented artists. I sincerely apologize to the LGBTQ community for my insensitive words from my past”.
What exactly caused Kevin Hart to step down as the host of the Oscars?
Not only did Hart's tweets resurface, but his jokes from stand-up routines, including his 2010 comedy special Seriously Funny, also came under scrutiny. This was particularly highlighted by statements like “One of my biggest fears is my son growing up and being gay."
As mentioned before, the comedian refused to apologize for his comments. As per multiple sources, he also stated in an Instagram video:
“I’ve addressed this several times. This is not the first time this has come up. I’ve spoken on it.”
However, in later interviews and a Netflix documentary, Hart revisited the incident. He admitted he initially struggled to grasp the harm of his words. Comedian Wanda Sykes played a pivotal role in helping him understand the hurt caused by his statements. He later shared:
“It was presented to me in a way I couldn’t ignore,”
The incident became a broader discussion about accountability, public apologies, and growth. While some appreciated his eventual apologies, others critiqued his initial defensiveness and perceived lack of sincerity. The Oscars remained hostless in 2019, a decision influenced by the controversy.
Once again, Kevin Hart faced backlash from audience regarding the same issue
Kevin Hart faced backlash in 2019 for comments made to rapper Lil Nas X during an episode of HBO’s The Shop: Uninterrupted. Lil Nas X was explaining his decision to come out as gay while at the peak of his career. Before he could elaborate, Hart interjected, asking:
“He said he was gay. So what?”
Lil Nas X explained that growing up, he was taught to hate homosexuality, particularly in his community. Hart then questioned, “Why you growing up to hate it?” Lil Nas X responded, “C'mon now. If you really from the hood, you know,” referencing the stigma against homosexuality in the Black community.
Read More: "Great understanding and education can come out of it" — Kevin Hart talks about losing Oscar gig
Notably, social media users criticized Hart’s comments, accusing him of dismissiveness and gaslighting. Some argued that Hart was ignoring the challenges of coming out as a Black gay man.
One Twitter user commented:
“Kevin Hart acting like he doesn’t know why Lil Nas X would be scared to come out is like someone who stole the thing you lost helping you look for it."
Another wrote:
“How are you going to act like homophobia in the Black community doesn’t exist when you dropped out of hosting the Oscars last year because you were being homophobic?”
This incident reignited discussions about Kevin Hart’s past behavior and the systemic issues of homophobia within communities. While Lil Nas X handled the situation calmly, the exchange brought attention to the unique pressures faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in marginalized communities.
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