Canadian horror/slasher film In a Violent Nature has been making waves on the internet ever since it made its debut at the recent Sundance Film Festival in January 2024. Boasting some extraordinary reviews already, the movie is set for a release in the US on May 31, 2024, and has been said to be one of the most unique horror projects ever made.
Directed by Chris Nash, In a Violent Nature stars Ry Barrett as the protagonist, and is described as an "ambient slasher" film. It is set to be available for streaming on Shudder following its theatrical release. The recently-released trailer, a 1:23 minute watch, gave fans an insightful first look into the kind of gore that can be expected from the movie, offering some of the biggest takeaways for viewers.
In a Violent Nature trailer release: 5 biggest takeaways
1) A mute killer
In A Violent Nature's trailer gives fans the first look into the kind of silence that accompanies the main protagonist. Johnny is seen hunting down a group of campers in a remote Canadian forest, and while the trailer has a range of dialogues from the victims, the killer himself is a character who never speaks.
He can be seen languishing in a no-nonsense, threatening way, even in scenes wherein he is spotted by victims, which obviously makes for a nerve-wracking watch.
2) Beautiful imagery
Moving on, the horror apart, In a Violent Nature's trailer also promises beautiful imagery, despite the sheer violence on screen. The movie was shot in Algoma District, Ontario, near Sault Ste. Marie, which Barrett himself claimed gave the shoot the "right vibe" that they had been looking for.
The project was initially supposed to be shot in Central Ontario, Canada, near the Kawartha Lakers of the region. However, the creators seem to have stumbled upon the perfect location to shoot their eerie project.
3) Johnny does not even care about his own life
Johnny himself appears to have completely given in to his violent nature, as is evident in the trailer. The footage sees the killer steadfastly focused on his victims, to an eerie extent. Even in scenes when Johnny is facing a shotgun, he is seen fearlessly walking towards his victims without showing any hint of fear or concern for his own life.
One of the scenes even sees Johnny dip into a lake in a bid to get a better look at the campers, making for one of the scariest trailer narratives that have been released in recent years. Not only is the In A Violent Nature's protagonist out to kill, he does not care about his own life!
4) Johnny loves his violence
Judging from the variety of tools, his overall costume, and the way in which he appears to have a set method when it comes to stalking and attacking his victims, the protagonist appears to be sole-minded in his aim to eliminate his prey. The entire trailer in itself revolves around Johnny systematically identifying and attacking his victims, leading to an unnerving calm as he proceeds to kill in a variety of methods.
However, all of the kills appear to be overtly violent, and makes use of only manual blades and knives, which means that Johnny knows exactly what he is doing in the movie! Despite having access to firearms, the killer prefers blades and knives to eviscerate his victims, and certainly likes the sight of blood!
5) A unique horror perspective
Well, the most obvious and talked-about feature that has been shown as part of In A Violent Nature’s trailer appears to be the unique perspective from which the movie is shot. While horror movies in general tend to be told from the perspective of the victims, In A Violent Nature makes a simple change that has completely turned things around.
Shot entirely from the perspective of the killer, the audiences are set for a never-seen-before experience that is bound to make them sick down to their very core. While the trailer in itself is difficult to watch, the movie is expected to be a landmark project when it comes to the overall horror genre.
In A Violent Nature is set to be released on May 31, 2024, in the US, followed by a streaming release on Shudder later this year.
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