The horror-thriller film Bagman was released theatrically on September 20, 2024. Directed by Colm McCarthy, the film revolves around a father who has to confront a scary figure from his past and prevent the latter from harming his family.
While the film shares its theme with many other films and books, it is not based on a true story. The original screenplay of the movie was penned by John Hulme. The film's cast includes Sam Claflin, Antonia Thomas, and Caréll Vincent Rhoden, among others. Read on to learn more about the story of the film.
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Bagman is not based on a true story
The film is a fictional tale that explores such themes as childhood trauma, parenting, and violence, among others. The fictional legend of the Bagman haunts the characters of the story. It is shown that the monster is a creature who takes well-behaved children to his cave and devours them.
The film indicates that the legend of such a monster itself is not wholly innovative. In fact, a voiceover by a character in the film’s trailer mentions that such a legend is common among many cultures worldwide. However, the film does not take after a specific true story or historical account. Rather, the screenplay by John Hulme is an original one.
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What is Bagman about?
The synopsis of the film on Amazon Prime Video reads:
“When a sinister threat from his childhood returns to haunt him, a father desperately struggles against his deepest inner fear. Only this time, the fight isn't for himself; it's for his family.”
As the film opens, it is disclosed that a mysterious creature has been abducting young children. The entity specifically chooses well-behaved children. As the plot progresses, the myth of the Bagman is elaborated upon.
Essentially, he is a terrifying monster who steals away children in his bags and takes them to his caves, where he metes out sadistic punishments to them. The film's protagonist, Patrick McKee, admits that during childhood, his father used to scare him and his brother by talking about the monster.
Eventually, he found out that the legends surrounding the creature were true. Years later, he has become a father with a happy family. But much to his dismay, the monster, too, has returned to haunt his child.
Thus, Bagman is the story of how a father with a traumatic past of his own tries his best to secure his child's future. The task is not easy since he has to confront a supernatural entity, but a parent's desperation drives him on.
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Bagman: Streaming options and cast
The film is available to rent or buy from Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, and Google Play.
The cast of the film includes:
- Sam Claflin as Patrick McKee
- Antonia Thomas as Karina McKee
- Caréll Vincent Rhoden as Jake McKee (as Caréll Rhoden)
- Will Davis as Bagman
- Adelle Leonce as Anna Logan
- William Hope as Chief Isaacs
- Steven Cree as Liam McKee
- Rosalie Craig as Arlene McKee
- Peter McDonald as Jake McKee Sr.
- Henry Pettigrew as Don Greenberg
- Frankie Corio as Emily Greenberg
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