Irredeemable is a popular American comic book series created by writer Mark Waid, in collaboration with comic book artists Peter Krause, Peter Krause, and Diego Barreto. A creation of Boom! Studios, the series had its first publication in April 2009.
The comic is based on Earth's mightiest superhero, the Plutonian, and his steep downfall as he starts wiping out Earth's entire population, slowly turning him into a supervillain. The only person powerful enough to stop him is his biggest enemy, an anti-hero, Max Damage.
This led to the creation of Irredeemable's spin-off series, Incorruptible, which started its first issue in December 2009. The series follows Max Damage's journey, as he shapes himself to fight for justice and save the world from extinction.
As per a Deadline article on March 17, 2022, Netflix is all set to adapt the bestselling twin comic series. Jeymes Samuel, the BAFTA-winning British-Nigerian filmmaker, is set to direct the film. The Oscar-nominated screenwriter Kemp Powers will write the screenplay, while James Lassiter, Jay-Z, and Samuel will serve as its producers.
Jeymes Samuel is set to direct Netflix's Irredeemable and Incorruptible live-screen adaptation
Jeymes Samuel, also known by his stage name The Bullitts, is a singer, music producer, and filmmaker. He worked alongside Baz Luhrmann and Jay Z to provide the music for The Great Gatsby in 2013. Samuel made his directorial debut with the BAFTA-winning film The Harder They Fall in 2021.
For the live-action adaptation of Irredeemable, Samuel will work alongside Kemp Powers, the Oscar-nominated screenwriter who is known for his works such as Soul (2020), One Night in Miami (2022), and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023). Jay-Z, James Lassiter, and Samuel will serve as the producers for Irredeemable. They also collaborated on producing The Harder They Fall.
As per the Deadline article, Mark Waid, the creator of both series, expressed his thoughts on the live-action adaptation of his comic series. He said:
“Peter and I are thrilled to death that a writer and a director we both admire are bringing Irredeemable to life in a faithful and respectful way while inventing their own twists and turns."
He continues:
"Their unique take on the comic makes it unlike any anti-hero story I’ve ever heard, and I love it.”
What are Irredeemable and Incorruptible about?
Published by Boom! Studios, Irredeemable and Incorruptible are iconic twin comic book series created by Mark Waid. Waid has experience working with both Marvel and DC, creating issues for superheroes such as Superman, Flash, Captain America, Daredevil, and Fantastic Four.
Waid created the Irredeemable series, collaborating with Peter Krause, Diego Barreto, and Eduardo Barreto. It ran for 37 issues, including one special, with over 1.5 million copies sold and had its last issue in May 2012. The story is based on a scenario where a superhero, who is supposed to be the emblem of justice and rightfulness, turns evil. This is partly manifested in the Amazon Prime series The Boys.
Irredeemable revolves around the story of the Plutonian, one of the mightiest beings on the planet, who transcends into the realm of darkness. In that process, he starts to wipe out the entire existence from the face of the planet.
Waid created Incorruptible as a spin-off from the earlier series, in collaboration with artists Marcio Takara, Horacio Domingues, Jean Diaz, and Damian Couceiro. Incorruptible ran for 30 issues, selling another 1 million copies, until Waid ended the series in May 2012. To stop Plutonian from mercilessly butchering people, the anti-hero and one of Plutonian's biggest foes, Max Damage, finds himself on a path of justice.
He starts his journey towards self-transformation and becomes capable enough to defeat Plutonian and save the entire population on Earth. Both series are interwoven, and the news of a live-action adaptation will make it much more anticipating to see Waid's iconic characters come to life.
Netflix is also developing another adaptation of the Boom! Studios series BRZRKR, which is created by Keanu Reeves.
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