The Shadow Strays is an Indonesian action thriller film written and directed by the celebrated filmmaker, Timo Tjahjanto.The film features Aurora Ribero as a 17-year-old assassin working for the mysterious organization known as the Shadows. She takes the 11-year-old boy Monji (Ali Fikri) under her wings following his mother’s death. But when a crime syndicate abducts Monji, 13 goes rogue and faces off against the abductors single handedly.
The series of events also lead her to confront her mentor Umbra (Hana Malasan), who is a hiding a deadly secret about 13’s true identity. The movie is produced by Wicky V. Olindo, Anne P. Ralie,Tjahjanto and Daiwanne P. Ralie. Furthermore, it is executive produced by Todd Brown and Nick Spicer.
No, The Shadow Strays is not based on a true story.
What is The Shadow Strays about?
The Shadow Strays is a fictional story written by the film's director, Timo Tjahjanto. The crime thriller has a runtime of 2 hours and 24 minutes and is not based on any true events.
While speaking to Yahoo! Canada during the Toronto International Film Festival in October 2024, Timo discussed his thought process behind writing the movie:
"I always feel like this is a film that is a lot about love, and in the sense it's very specific. It's not necessarily a romantic love, but it is about longing and wanting."
He continued:
"I wanted to make a movie about longing, wanting, and this longing to be loved, having to love someone, ... and what if I wrap it in an action film."
Plot summary
The Shadow Strays centers around the teenage female assassin codenamed 13 (Aurora Ribero) from the deadly organization, the Shadow. She meets a young boy named Monji (Ali Fikri) who, like her, lost his mother at a young age. The two bond over their shared loss, but 13's world is turned upside down when Monji gets kidnapped by a crime syndicate.
She leaves no stone unturned to protect the young boy and even goes to war with her mentor, Umbra (Hana Malasan). The entire ordeal makes her question the Shadow's true purpose and sets her on a path to self-discovery.
Cast and characters
The cast list of this Indonesian film is given below:
- Aurora Ribero as 13 / Nomi
- Hana Malasan as Umbra
- Taskya Namya as Soriah
- Agra Piliang as Haga
- Andri Mashadi as Ariel
- Chew Kin Wah as Handler
- Naomi Hitanayri Christy as Geisha
- Mawar Eva de Jongh as 14
- Adipati Dolken as Prasetyo
- Daniel Ekaputra as Troika
- Shanna Miaziza as Mitro's Assistant
- Yayan Ruhian as Master Burai
- Evy Fauziah as Ny. Sari Djamil
- Ali Fikri as Monji
- Arswendy Bening Swara as Soemitro
- Banon Gautama as Kusno
- Lukas Will as Young Yakuza
- Diana Stephanie as Nomi's Mother
- Tanta Ginting as Kabil
- Nobuyuki Suzuki as Yoshinori
- Amara Lovegna as Red Room Girl
- Kristo Immanuel as Jeki
- Candace Thomas as Young Nomi
- Anty Indah as Heroin Girl
- Hiroaki Kato as Kenjiro
- Jessica Marlein as Mirasti
- Eva Celia as Volver
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