Justice, originally known as Napad, is a Polish crime-thriller movie set to premiere on Netflix on October 16, 2024, at 12 AM PT. Directed by Michal Gazda, the movie stars Olaf Lubaszenko and Jedrzej Hycnarm. It revolves around a former police officer aiming to reclaim his past glory.
According to IMDb, the official synopsis of the movie reads:
“In the early 90s, a discharged police officer, played by Olaf Lubaszenko, is given a chance to reclaim his former life in exchange for capturing a group responsible for an attack on the bank. With a young policewoman assigned to the case, the detective must act quickly media attention on the robbery is unwelcomed by new authorities.”
Produced by Magdalena Szwedkowicz, Justice presents a thrilling plot filled with suspense.
Justice will premiere on Netflix on October 16, 2024
Justice delves into a familiar troupe within crime thrillers. A former detective, played by Olaf Lubaszenko, is given a chance to reclaim his reputation. Called in to capture a gang responsible for an attack on a bank, the detective must act quickly as media attention continues to mount on the case.
Olaf's character, due to his unique skills, finds himself neck to neck with a new detective team assigned to the case. It becomes a race against time and his colleagues to reclaim his past life. The movie is set in 1990s Polan, shortly after the end of the communist era in the country. Olaf’s character is told that if he captures the elusive gang, he will not only get his old job back but restore his reputation.
Netflix previously released an intense trailer, showcasing the tense narrative. With a screenplay by Dana Lukasinska and Bartosz Staszczyszyn, the film is now being released as a Netflix Original.
When and where to watch Justice?
As mentioned earlier, Justice will be available to watch exclusively on Netflix starting October 16. It will be released at 12 AM PT, after which the platform subscribers can stream the film, timings may vary depending on time zones and regions:
Boasting a thrilling narrative and a historical setting, the movie is set to become a must-watch, especially for fans of the crime-thriller genre.
Cast and characters
Justice features a stellar cast, with Olaf Lubaszenko, playing the lead role of Tadeusz Gadacz, a former police officer. The rest of the actors and their characters as featured in the film have been listed below:
- Olaf Lubaszenko as Tadeusz Gadacz
- Jędrzej Hycnar as Kacper Surmiak
- Wiktoria Gorodeckaja as Aleksandra Janicka
- Magdalena Boczarska as Prosecutor
- Łukasz Szczepanowski as Bartek Sawczuk
- Stanisław Linowski as Marek Nowak
- Nel Kaczmarek as Monika
- Dariusz Toczek as Drabik
- Mirosław Haniszewski as Minister
- Jowita Budnik as Bartek's Mother
- Karol Bernacki as Jacek
- Marcin Czarnik as Police Commander
- Krzysztof Dracz as Swede
- Szymon Kukla as Emil
- Jakub Kornacki as Janitor
- Dymitr Hołówko as Old Man
- Agnieszka Dulęba-Kasza as Cashier Celina
- Karolina Staniec as Cashier Sylwia
- Weronika Warchoł as Cashier Anna
- Michał Grzybowski as Celina's Husband
- Adam Nawojczyk as Kuba Dyniewicz
- Kuba Dyniewicz as Soldier Rak
- Barbara Tkaczow as Ewa
- Jacek Mikołajczak as Jacek
Viewers can stream Justice exclusively on Netflix worldwide starting October 16, 2024.