The Spanish romantic drama film My Fault (Spanish: Culpa mía) premiered on June 8, 2023, on Amazon Prime Video. Featuring Nicole Wallace as Noah and Gabriel Guevara as Nick, the film quickly became a global sensation, leading to a sequel titled Your Fault (Spanish: Culpa tuya), which was released on December 27, 2024.
For the uninitiated, My Fault is adapted from one of Mercedes Ron's stories on Wattpad and directed by Domingo González. It tells the story of a taboo relationship between Noah and Nick, who are half-siblings after Noah's mother marries Nick's father. Initially at odds with each other, their fierce rivalry eventually transforms into an irresistible attraction.
In addition to Nicole and Gabriel, several other actors play crucial roles in advancing the film's narrative. To find out who they are, keep reading.
Cast list of My Fault (Culpa mía)
1) Nicole Wallace as Noah
Nicole Wallace plays Noah in My Fault. She is the daughter of Rafaella and Jonás (her estranged father). At the beginning of the film, Noah and her mother, Rafaella, move into the mansion of Rafaella's new husband, William, where she meets Nick.
Having stepped into the industry in 2008, at just six years old, Nicole has been part of several successful projects, including Skam España (2018–2020), Parot (2021), and Raising Voices (2024).
2) Gabriel Guevara as Nick
In the film, Gabriel Guevara plays Nick, Noah's stepbrother and forbidden love interest. Initially depicted as a stereotypical playboy who expresses overt animosity towards Noah, Nick's character evolves into a protective partner as their connection deepens throughout the narrative.
In addition to acting, Gabriel is also a model. He started his modeling career in 2010 and transitioned to acting in 2017. Some of his notable roles can be seen in films and TV shows such as Charter (2018), Skam España (2018-2019), and HIT (2020-2021).
3) Marta Hazas as Rafaella
Marta Hazas plays Rafaella in My Fault. She is William's wife, Noah's mother, and Nick's stepmother. When Rafaella first learns about Nick and Noah's forbidden romance, she and Willam devise plans to separate them.
Marta Hazas has been active in the film industry since 2001. Some of the most significant projects include Bandolera (2011-2013), Velvet (2013-2016), and From Tomorrow (2024).
4) Iván Sánchez as William Leister
Iván Sánchez portrays William Leister in the film. He is Rafaella's new husband, Nick's father, and Noah's stepfather. Just like Rafaella, when William learns about Nick and Noah's romance, he also objects to it.
Iván Sánchez started his career in 2002 and has since worked in various fields, including producing, modeling, and acting. Some of Sánchez's most notable works include La sopa boba (2004), Hospital Central (2006-2011), and La Reina del Sur (2011).
Additional cast of My Fault
Besides the ones already mentioned, there are several other supporting characters in My Fault. They include:
- Eva Ruiz as Jenna
- Víctor Varona as Lion
- Fran Berenguer as Ronnie
- Adriana Ubani as Anna
- Ivan Massagué as Jonás
- Jaime Ordóñez as Chófer
- Mariano Venancio as Martin
- Jaime Gutiérrez as Leonardo
- Noah Casas as Maggie
- Anastasia Russo as Noah Niña
- Daniel Martínez as Cruz
- Eve Ryan as Betty
- Lucas Nabor as Mario
- Pablo Riguero as Dan
- Antonio Hernández as Mikel
- Rocío Peláez as Inspectora
- Paloma Catalán as Petra
- Jon Rod as Policía 1
- Mariano Andrés as Policía 2
- Jonatan Ruiz as Tipo Bebida Fiesta
- Mónica Caballero as Doctora Maggie
- Álvaro Navarro as Maitre
My Fault and its follow-up film, Your Fault, are currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.