David Fincher's The Killer is a 2023 action thriller that takes viewers on a tense, methodical journey through the life of a professional assassin. The film is based on Alexis Matz Nolent's French graphic novel series, illustrated by Luc Jacamon, and stars Michael Fassbender as the unnamed hitman who embarks on a global vendetta after a botched job.
With its stylish direction, sharp performances, and a plot that constantly subverts expectations, The Killer has earned praise for its unique take on the assassin genre.
The film, which premiered at the Venice International Film Festival before streaming on Netflix, is structured in a minimalist, almost video game-like fashion, following the assassin as he meticulously eliminates those responsible for his near-death.
However, the film’s ending delivers a surprising twist: the killer, having tracked down his ultimate target, Claybourne, chooses not to pull the trigger.
Why does The Killer not kill Claybourne?
The climax of The Killer sees the assassin finally reaching Claybourne, a billionaire venture capitalist who ordered the accidentally botched hit job in the first place and eventually decided to get rid of the protagonist, as part of keeping the trail clean.
Upon catching up with all those who wronged him including his handler, fellow assassins, and others first, The Killer meets Claybourne in a Chicago penthouse owned by him. Although this point typically symbolizes vengeance on most occasions when films are concerned, surprisingly enough, The Killer opts to spare Claybourne’s life.
Claybourne is unlike other targets because he isn’t some ruthless kingpin but rather a businessman who sees it all as a transaction. He actually contracted The Killer to perform a task and when it went badly, he paid extra so that the matter could be “cleared up” without comprehending its full implications.
This was just business with no personal ill-will for him. The revelation compels him to view Claybourne not as an individual enemy but rather as one casual seller of violence among many others. In this context, he also happens to be a personal friend of his long-time partner. By sparing his life, he admits that killing him would do nothing else than unsettle the status quo.
This decision is also indicative of acceptance by the protagonist of his role within this power structure. It would mean rebelling against the system that has kept him alive all these years by killing Claybourne, something that the character cannot bring himself to do ultimately.
What happens to The Killer at the End?
After deciding not to shoot Claybourne and leaving his house in Chicago penthouse he warns him angrily on his way out. This moment is significant because it signals a turning point for our protagonist after he has spent most of his time eliminating threats.
More details on the movie
The protagonist in the film is driven by a desire to tie up all loose ends after failing to kill someone in Paris in the movie. During this time, the protagonist goes through various places including Florida, Louisiana, and New York City as well as where the people connected with this assassination attempt on him and other murders done by those who wanted him dead, were.
However, once he gets into Claybourne’s place everything changes. It turns out that, unlike everyone around him, there are no direct links between that man and any murders carried out by the main character under consideration. However, he represents violence that happens at a corporate level, the administration of worldwide killings without having blood on his hands.
Interested viewers can watch Fincher's thriller on Netflix.