The Lost Children, Netflix’s latest documentary, tells the story of survival, resilience, and hope. Directed by Orlando von Einsiedel, it explores the harrowing experience of four siblings who endured 40 days in the Amazon jungle after a tragic plane crash. Guided by their eldest sister Lesly, just 13 years old, the children faced venomous plants, predators, and hunger in their fight to stay alive.
The music of The Lost Children plays a crucial role in enhancing its emotional depth. The soundtrack, composed by Patrick Jonsson, blends suspense, sorrow, and triumph.
Renowned for his work on The White Helmets and Virunga, Jonsson works with musicians including Richard Collins, Kim Moore, and Simón Mejía to craft an evocative soundtrack. Released digitally on November 14, 2024, the album reflects the main themes of the story.
Major soundtracks of Netflix's The Lost Children
The soundtrack of The Lost Children consists of 33 tracks that reflect the film's gripping narrative.
Opening (2:31)
The opening soundtrack features a haunting melody that sets the stage for the documentary’s intense storyline. It captures the mix of despair and resilience experienced by the siblings.
Desaparecida (2:37)
Co-composed with Richard Collins, Desaparecida conveys the urgency of the search mission. Its rhythmic intensity mirrors the chaos and desperation faced by the rescuers.
The Search (1:57)
This track features an understated tension, reflecting the effort to locate the missing children amid the dense jungle.
La Selva (0:35)
Composed with Kim Moore, La Selva brings the jungle to life, highlighting its beauty and dangers.
Grandchildren (1:34)
This emotional piece underscores the deep familial bond between the siblings, emphasizing Lesly's protective role.
Vultures (1:08)
Another collaboration with Kim Moore, Vultures uses eerie tones to symbolize the ever-present threats surrounding the children.
Magdalena (1:08)
A tribute to their late mother, Magdalena serves as a poignant reminder of the siblings' loss and their motivation to survive.
Traces (3:12)
This track captures the hope and determination of the rescuers as they discover signs of life, such as footprints and discarded items.
Love and Life (2:25)
As the siblings reconnect with their roots to survive, Love and Life brings a sense of triumph to the narrative.
El Camino Del Jaguar (3:29)
Simón Mejía, Monte, and Lido Pimienta deliver a composition that blends Indigenous rhythms with contemporary sounds, celebrating the children’s cultural heritage.
All soundtracks from The Lost Children
A detailed list of the soundtracks featured in The Lost Children:
- Opening – 2:31 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Desaparecida – 2:37 (Patrick Jonsson & Richard Collins)
- The Search – 1:57 (Patrick Jonsson)
- La Selva – 0:35 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- Grandchildren – 1:34 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Vultures – 1:08 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- The Plane – 0:57 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- Magdalena – 1:08 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Signs of Life – 2:33 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- Traces – 3:12 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Distrust – 1:12 (Patrick Jonsson & Richard Collins)
- Henry – 1:58 (Patrick Jonsson & Richard Collins)
- Wilson – 2:32 (Patrick Jonsson & Richard Collins)
- Knowledge – 0:54 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- Rescue Team – 2:29 (Patrick Jonsson & Richard Collins)
- Duendes – 2:06 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Mambe – 1:12 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- History – 2:16 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Darkness – 2:10 (Patrick Jonsson & Richard Collins)
- A Single Force – 2:55 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- Lesley – 3:27 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Where Three Streams Meet – 2:29 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- Nowhere Else to Look – 1:45 (Patrick Jonsson)
- He Takes Me Or I Take Him – 3:50 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Love and Life – 2:25 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Padre Nuestro – 0:49 (Patrick Jonsson & Kim Moore)
- Lesley’s Story (Pt. 1) – 3:07 (Patrick Jonsson & Richard Collins)
- Lesley’s Story (Pt. 2) – 2:10 (Patrick Jonsson & Richard Collins)
- The Rescue – 2:39 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Made the Impossible Possible – 3:03 (Patrick Jonsson)
- Los Niños Perdidos – 1:43 (Patrick Jonsson)
- We Exist – 3:39 (Patrick Jonsson)
- El Camino Del Jaguar – 3:29 (Simón Mejía, Monte & Lido Pimienta)
Production and direction of The Lost Children
The Lost Children, directed by Orlando von Einsiedel, is distinguished by its candid depiction of the events. Von Einsiedel, an Academy Award-winning director, collaborates with co-directors Jorge Durán and Lali Houghton to accurately portray the emotional and physical toll of the ordeal.
The film's production was a collaboration between Grain Media, Caracol Televisión, and Imagine Documentaries, with Marta Shaw serving as the producer.
Plot in detail
Lesly Jacobo Bonbaire and her siblings faced a horrifying ordeal when a plane transporting them crashed in the Colombian Amazon on May 1, 2023. After the death of their mother, the children were left to fend for themselves. Lesly guided her siblings through the hostile jungle by employing her Indigenous knowledge.
They encountered predatory animals, venomous plants, and biting insects. Despite the fear and trauma they experienced, they survived on edible fruits and water from streams until rescuers discovered them 40 days later.
The Colombian military and Indigenous volunteers collaborated on 'Operation Hope,' a rescue mission. The children, who were traumatized and mistrustful, concealed themselves from the teams that approached, which exacerbated the challenges.
The Lost Children is now available to stream on Netflix.
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