Disney recently officially greenlit the live-action adaptation of its 2010 animated flick Tangled, a modern retelling of the Brothers Grimm folktale Rapunzel. The 2010 premise follows the long blond-haired princess Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore), who dreams of escaping her tower guarded by Mother Gothel (voiced by Donna Murphy) to see the floating lanterns for her 18th birthday.
She enlists the help of thief Flynn Rider (voiced by Zachary Levi) to escort her on her adventure. The film was a commercial hit, receiving one Academy Award nomination.
The news of the upcoming live-action adaption was met with mixed responses from Tangled fans. Some expressed their dismay at the film never getting a sequel, with one person tweeting:
"Can we get a sequel to the animated tangled first."
Several netizens suggested actors they'd like to see embody Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, with many fancasting Espresso singer Sabrina Carpenter as the blond princess.
Rapunzel voice actress Mandy Moore seemingly agreed with this in a July 2024 Bustle interview, saying the singer looked like "a Disney princess in real life."
"Sabrina for rapunzel, zayn/taylor zakhar for flynn rider," another person added.
"And Sabrina is the one we want to see playing rapunzel on it," someone else commented.
However, others were seemingly disappointed at Disney for focusing on remakes instead of original scripts.
"I really want to meet the person who suggested this unnecessary animation to live action run that Hollywood should waste billions on," another user commented.
"I love tangled but for fk sake how many remakes are they going to keep making," someone else tweeted.
"How about making a new interesting story instead of just putting their budget in a remake that nobody actually asked for," another person added.
Disney in talks with Michael Gracey for the upcoming Tangled movie
On December 11, Deadline revealed that Michael Gracey, the Australian film director best known for directing The Greatest Showman, is in talks to helm the upcoming live-action.
According to Deadline, the script for the live-action was reportedly penned by Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, known for co-writing and directing the 2022 teen black comedy flick Do Revenge starring Maya Hawke and Camila Mendes.
The 2010 Tangled was written by Dan Fogelman, and directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard.
The casting for the live-action has yet to be decided, but Zachary Levi, who voiced Flynn Rider in the 2010 animated flick, nominated Timothée Chalamet to embody the role of the thief.
During a July 2024 interview with ET, Levi said he was too old to play Rider in the live-action, instead suggesting the Dune actor for the role.
“I mean, he’s already getting every other job but probably Timothée Chalamet? Unfortunately I feel like I’m a little old — and that I don’t know all of the younger actors that could be that guy," he said.
Levi added that it would be fun for him and his co-star Mandy Moore to appear in the live-action as Rapunzel's parents, who are revealed to be the king and the queen in the movie.
The Shazam star also said he was proud and grateful to have been a part of the 2010 animated Disney movie, adding he was "bummed" it never got a sequel.
The Tangled universe expanded with a Disney Channel animated series titled, Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. Moore and Levi reprised their characters in the series, which ran between 2017 and 2020.
The 2010 movie also spawned a six-minute short film titled Tangled Ever After in 2012, which played in theatres before Beauty and the Beast's theatrical re-release.