Captain America: Brave New World, which is also slated to be the first in the franchise without Chris Evans' Steve Rogers, has finally dropped its first trailer. The latest trailer takes viewers on a ride with Sam Wilson's (played by Anthony Mackie) titular character, as he battles a threat that seems more political than ever before.
But what many did not expect to see from the trailer of Captain America: Brave New World was perhaps the cameo of Red Hulk, aka Thaddeus Ross, a character previously portrayed by the legendary William Hurt. This is a character that has appeared in Marvel before, yet it has left fans stunned, perhaps because many did not expect this amount of excitement from a new Marvel release.
This is now portrayed by Harrison Ford.
X user @Adityakrsaha summed this excitement up, saying:
"They brought RED HULK into this. Take my money right now."
Many other fans echoed in with similar reactions on seeing this mighty Marvel character's first appearance.
"Hulk vs Red Hulk, Giancarlo vs Captain America...we're in for a treat guys"- another fan wrote.
"That’s a pretty dope trailer. This seems way more grounded and closer to what we got in Winter Soldier and that is making me more excited. also WE FINALLY HAVE THE RED HULK, LESGOOO!!!"- yet another fan commented.
"The trailer looks great! I need more information about Red Hulk... Why is he red?"- another fan added, inquistively.
"hope Sam takes good care of the Red Hulk because since I was a child I saw in an animated series the power of that thing and what he can do. It’s too dangerous for Wilson to face him alone."- another fan added.
It seems after a long time, fans of the MCU have something great to look forward to. The studio is also expanding into many other exciting projects including Fantastic Four and Thunderbolts.
Captain America: Brave New World trailer takes viewers on a political drama with supervillains
Captain America: Brave New World's trailer opens on a political note, with Harrison Ford's Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross trying to make Mackie's Captain America a part of the United States Army. But the trailer soon gets into an elaborate assassination attempt on the president and Sam's attempts to stop it.
With plenty of action and a grounded-to-reality approach to the visuals, it seems Captain America: Brave New World is set to take the MCU back to its best days. But what really stands out in the trailer is the sudden appearance of the Red Hulk at the end, which depicts the mighty beast tossing Captain America's famous shield to the ground.
All this combined gives fans one of the most exciting superhero movies to look forward to.
Stay tuned for more updates on Captain America: Brave New World.
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