In a saga that has outlasted most of its young audience, the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is the 10th overall film in an epic franchise that has been around since the 1970s. The 21st-century reboot, which will receive its 4th iteration with the upcoming movie, promises to be a major event pushing the franchise toward a new future.
Starring an all-new character Noa, played by the talented Owen Teague, the Kingdom of Planet of the Apes characters have been rumored to feature an end-credit scene, despite the franchise itself not following the norm in the past. While 2011’s Rise of the Planet of Apes did feature an end-credit scene, all of the other offerings from the franchise have stayed away from the trend.
At the same time, the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes featured a ‘post-credit sound.’ It involved an epic ape call at the end, leading to fan theories about the villain Koba. A similar sound effect at the end timeline of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes has led to speculation about a potential return of a past character, albeit highly unlikely.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes features a unique ‘post-credit sound’
Dawn of the Planet of Apes featured sounds of debris being removed, followed by a loud ape call. This sound led to theories that Koba might have survived as he was trapped under the debris after his fight with Caesar.
However, that theory proved wrong as the movie’s successor, War for the Planet of the Apes, did not feature any return for the character, although he featured in some dream sequences. Now, after Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, viewers have reported that there is another distinct ape call that can be heard. It has already led to some theories about the return of multiple characters.
Considering the movie is set 300 years after Caesar’s life, a return for the iconic ape is not on the cards. Furthermore, as has been seen previously already, the sound effect may be just that, a sound effect, and might not have any further hint associated with it.
After all, that is the trend the overall Planet of the Apes franchise has followed in the past, and there are no suggestions that things might change. At the same time, there is also a chance that the creators saw the speculation that a random sound effect led to, back in 2011, and decided to add a hint to the franchise’s future in the latest film.
However, while rumors have circulated about a post-credit scene, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes does not have one. Instead, it has an ominous ape call, a post-credit sound effect, which has led to several speculations from fans.
Whether the speculation is unfounded or not is something only time will reveal. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is set to be released in the US on May 10, 2024, with no plans for further movies in the franchise having been revealed thus far.