47-year-old actress Alicia Silverstone recently posted a video on Instagram and TikTok where she is eating an unknown fruit. Fans expressed concerns in the comment section and claimed it could be a poisonous fruit she ingested. Alicia had not posted any update after the video came up on Monday.
In the video, Alicia Silverstone mentioned that she was in England and came across an unknown fruit. She took a bite of it to confirm whether it was a tomato. However, according to her, she soon realized it wasn't a tomato because of the leaves. Alicia went on to show the plant to the audience and even described the taste of the fruit as similar to pepper. She could be heard saying in the video,
"I've just bit into it because it was on the street, and we were discussing whether it was a tomato or not."
While making the video, Alicia Silverstone took another bite of the fruit and explained that she didn't think it was supposed to be eaten. Uploaded a few hours ago, the video has already gone viral, sparking concerns among netizens about the actress' health after consuming it.
Netizens flooded the internet after being confused about what happened to the actress and whether she was fine after eating the unknown fruit. Here are some of the responses:
"*Mouth full of unidentified fruit* I don't think you're supposed to eat this," one user tweeted.
"Why would she eat off a random bush😭," questioned another user.
"Damn she really is clueless," wrote another netizen, possibly referring to her 1995 movie Clueless.
Some netizens claimed that the fruit was a Jerusalem cherry, considered mildly poisonous.
"Jerusalem cherry my grandmother grew them and was always telling us not to touch them. I hope she's ok. Yikes," one user tweeted.
"Ai plant identifier of a screenshot from her video: Jerusalem Cherry, Nightshade," explained another netizen.
"Her guardian angel slaps it out of her hand … she then picks another one and takes another bite." Added a tweet.
The Babysitter actress Alicia Silverstone has not provided a health update after posting a video eating a random fruit in England
As mentioned, actress Alicia Silverstone seemingly ingested an unknown fruit in a viral video that she posted on TikTok and Instagram. Many claimed the fruit was a Jerusalem Cherry. The Queensland Poisons Information Centre has previously mentioned the plant and its toxicity.
"All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the unripe fruits. If plant or fruit is eaten, early symptoms can include fever, sweating, vomiting, stomach pain, headache, and increased heart rate. Symptoms are delayed for several hours and can persist for days."
It has further been reported that the fruit is a decorative plant and should not be consumed. However, it is unclear if this was the plant that the star ingested since she didn't provide any confirmation as of now.