Actress Jane Seymour busted myths surrounding her alleged cosmetic procedures in an interview with People magazine published on May 27, 2024. During the conversation, she also shared secrets about her youthful exuberance even in her seventies.
She dispelled the cosmetic surgery rumors by stating:
"I've been playing a lot of amazing roles, recently two women with Alzheimer's with very emotional scenes, and if you're going to be that emotional, you need every muscle in your face."
Jane Seymour was born on February 15, 1951, and is currently 73 years old. She revealed that she was instructed by photographers to fix her 'bulgy eyes' with a procedure. However, doctors said that it was a muscle and nothing could be done about it.
Moreover, the British actress added that she is strict about not doing 'anything permanent' to herself along the lines of beautification procedures.
Jane Seymour busts myths about cosmetic surgery and shares the secret of her youthful appearance

Jane Seymour feels strongly about never performing cosmetic surgery on herself to rescue her depleting youth. She explained that she doesn't like it because it can hamper her ability to portray a spectrum of emotions as an actress.
"To set the record straight — because people were getting it wrong — they attempted to do something to my under-eyes when I was 40 because photographers kept saying that I had bulgy eyes," Seymour mentioned.
However, the plan didn't work out, and Seymour revealed why:
"The doctor told me it's actually a muscle, so there's nothing I can do about it."
Moreover, the actress has no beef with people who prefer cosmetic surgeries to preserve their youth.
"So I have nothing against people doing anything they want to do, but for me personally, it is not helping me in my craft, unless I'm playing somebody who's had Botox, in which case, I would be all over it,” Jane Seymour added.
The actress was last seen in the Australian movie, Ruby's Choice (2024), where she played a woman with early dementia.
The Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman star stressed the importance of diet to prevent visible signs of aging. A follower of intermittent fasting and a strict diet, Jane Seymour added that she likes eating healthy because it makes her feel good.
"I actually really like healthy food. I drink wine — not as much as Harry Wild — but sometimes I just don't drink, for no reason other than it's caloric and I like being very clear-headed," Seymour mentioned.
She also grows everything she eats in her own garden. Finally, she shared her secret to maintaining a permanent youthful exuberance:
“The best facelift is a smile. If you want to look young, just smile from ear to ear,” Seymour opined.
Exercising feels like 'a high' for 73-year-old Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour touched upon her workout regime in the same interview with People magazine. The actress mentioned that she is extremely careful while exercising so as not to hurt herself, but does incorporate weights into her fitness schedule.
"I incorporate weights into whatever I'm doing because I think a lot of women think that if they go for a run or do a booty burn or something, that's enough. I think at our age, it's proven that bone loss is what you have to be careful of," Seymour added.
For Jane Seymour, feeling a healthy body gives her "a high." The actress unveiled that she likes to keep her body in good shape so that she can jump, climb, and work incessantly even at her age. She continued:
"For me to feel that my body works and I can do this show and I can jump off things and climb through things and work a good 12 hours without pausing, I'm eternally grateful for it."
The Emmy winner finally discussed a fatal incident that caused a paradigm shift in her perception of her health and body. Jane Seymour had a near-death experience when a nurse wrongly injected an antibiotic into her vein instead of a muscle in 1988.
"When I nearly died and I saw the white light, a couple of really big things happened there. I remember looking down at me and I was just right there in the corner of the room, looking down at this guy screaming and yelling and trying to inject me with things and we can't find an ambulance,” Seymour recalled.
The incident made her realize that the "body was like a car" and needed to be valued. Although she didn't connect with the incident emotionally, it made her realize the importance of a healthy body on an intellectual level.