Disney is working on a live-action adaptation of the beloved film Moana, set in ancient Polynesia. As per Disney, Catherine Laga‘aia, a 17-year-old actress from Sydney with Samoan roots, has been cast as Moana. She will join Dwayne Johnson, who is reprising his role as Maui, the mischievous demigod he originally voiced in the animated film.
The titular character was originally voiced by Auli‘i Cravalho in the animated film. Although she is not reprising her role in the live-action adaptation, she is part of the film as an executive producer.
Auli‘i Cravalho will, however, continue voicing the titular character in the sequel to the animated film. As per reports, she will be actively mentoring Catherine Laga‘aia to prepare her to play the fearless titular character.
Catherine Laga‘aia is "really excited" to be cast in the titular role of the live-action adaptation of Moana
Disney confirmed the addition of Catherine Laga‘aia to the cast of the upcoming live-action adaptation of the popular Disney film. The young actress could not be happier about it. Speaking to Disney, the actress said:
"I’m really excited to embrace this character because Moana is one of my favorites,” said the 17-year-old Sydney, Australia, native. “My grandfather comes from Fa‘aala, Palauli, in Savai‘i. And my grandmother is from Leulumoega Tuai on the main island of ‘Upolu in Samoa."
She also said:
"I’m honored to have an opportunity to celebrate Samoa and all Pacific Island peoples, and to represent young girls who look like me.”
The character changed the dynamics of what it meant to be a Disney princess, as she stood up to a demigod and stood as a powerful character representing the people of the Samoan islands.
The live-action adaptation of Moana will feature John Tui, a New Zealand native, as Moana's father, Chief Tui; Samoan-New Zealand actress Frankie Adams as her mother, Sina; and Rena Owen as the revered Gramma Tala. Directed by Thomas Kail, known for We Are the Lucky Ones and Hamilton, production is set to begin this summer, with a targeted release date in 2026.
Speaking to Disney, the director said:
"I am thrilled to have met Catherine, Rena, Frankie and John through this casting process. I am humbled by this opportunity, and I cannot wait to all be on set together. And there’s no better pair to be in a canoe with than Catherine and Dwayne — actually, trio: Heihei is ready, too.”
Stay tuned for more news and updates about the live-action adaptation of Disney's Moana.