Horizon: An American Saga, directed by Kevin Costner, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday, May 19, 2024. The new historical drama, set to portray the American frontier, had fans excited to see what it had in store for them. However, the film's reviews by critics on Rotten Tomatoes caused quite a stir as it was given a 29% score.
Fans of Kevin Costner and those who like movies based on the American frontier were upset with the score. Many claimed that the critics were being unfair as they wondered how the movies were judged.
Fans have debated whether the film's old-school storytelling and themes didn't match viewers' expectations as others wondered if it wasn't "woke enough."
"Critics suck, let's see what audiences do," an X user stated.
"Won't stop me from seeing it," retorted another user.
"Critics are about as relevant as journalists," a user claimed.
"So minutes-long standing ovations at Cannes don't mean anything?" a Kevin Costner fan wondered.
"I mean, it has 5 reviews," an X user said noting the limited critical feedback.
"Now I have to see it," added another curious netizen.
Fans defend Costner's vision for Horizon: An American Saga amidst criticism
Kevin Costner's fans were bothered by the criticism his film Horizon: An American Saga received on Rotten Tomatoes. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday and critics weren't particularly thrilled with how the film tackled modern social issues. However, they did praise it for its historical accuracy and visuals.
After reading the reviews, fans were split on whether every film must touch on current cultural topics to be worthwhile. They have taken to social media to speak up about their disappointment with the difference between critics and audience ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.
The audience score is much higher, showing viewers enjoy the film's emphasis on classic storytelling and its grand depiction of American history. Supporters believe Horizon offers a refreshing escape into a well-crafted historical story, without worrying about modern political correctness.
Kevin Costner's fans believe that the film is trying to show what the American frontier was like, with all the complications and moral gray areas. They also claimed that the film wasn't making a statement about today's society.
Some fans also feel the critics didn't like it because they expected something different from the film. Others claimed that Horizon: An American Saga is about taking viewers back in time without putting modern values on the past.
The broader implications of cultural expectations on films like Horizon: An American Saga
The debate around Horizon: An American Saga raised some interesting points about how film criticism is changing. Some claim that films should be more mindful of current social issues, even if they're set in the past. They noted that this has made them rethink a lot of old genres, like historical dramas and Westerns, and their handling of race, gender, and power dynamics.
On the flip side, some people think filmmakers should be free to tell stories without feeling like they have to be "woke." They believe that adding modern perspectives to historical films can take away from their authenticity and educational value. This debate raises questions about what the main goal of movies should be: entertaining and educating about the past or promoting social change in the present.
The disagreement between critics and audiences on Horizon: An American Saga shows a bigger divide in the entertainment industry. With people consuming media in different ways, the standards for judging films are always changing.
Some viewers want movies that push boundaries and make them think, while others want to escape to a different time without any modern analysis. The mixed reviews for Horizon: An American Saga on Rotten Tomatoes show how the perceptions of films differ for viewers.
Horizon: An American Saga Chapter One is set to be released in theaters on June 28, 2024. Meanwhile, Chapter Two will be released on August 16, 2024.