Sebastian Stan, known for his role as Bucky Barnes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), recently shared his thoughts on the criticism Marvel movies often receive. He has an eventful year ahead, considering his roles in The Apprentice and A Different Man, as well as his return in the 2025 Marvel film Thunderbolts.
Stan has opened up about why he feels protective of Marvel films, despite acknowledging the ease with which they are criticized.
Despite the constant critiques of Marvel's recent projects, Stan passionately defends the franchise's intentions. He pointed out how difficult it is to consistently create successful films.
"Sometimes I get protective of it because the intention is really f***ing good. It's just f***ing hard to make a good movie over and over again," Stan expressed.
This remark highlights his deep appreciation for the efforts behind each Marvel production. Stan also praised Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige for his commitment and integrity.
"I'm someone who has witnessed [Kevin Feige] as the most selfless man on this planet, who, despite the enormous success he's had, has never changed or wavered," Stan said.
"They legitimately spend so much time thinking, how could we surprise people and give people something different? His big motto is 'The best idea wins,'" Stan explained.
Feige's leadership, according to Stan, is centered around innovation and genuine intentions. Stan’s admiration for Feige and the Marvel team reflects why he feels protective of the franchise. To him, the heart behind Marvel's success is its desire to offer audiences something unexpected. He also emphasized that Marvel's success isn't solely due to its financial dominance but its creative ambition.
"Because the intention is really good," Stan reiterated.
Sebastian Stan highlights Marvel's crucial role in sustaining Hollywood's film industry
In an interview with Variety for their cover story, Sebastian Stan addressed the increasing criticism surrounding Marvel movies. He highlighted the importance of the MCU within the broader entertainment landscape.
"It's become really convenient to pick on [Marvel films]," he said. "And that's fine. Everyone's got an opinion. But they're a big part of what contributes to this business and allows us to have smaller movies as well," he added.
According to Stan, Marvel films serve as a backbone for the movie industry, supporting not just blockbusters but also smaller, independent projects.
Sebastian Stan described Marvel as an integral part of Hollywood's "machinery," suggesting that its influence extends beyond the box office.
"This is an artery traveling through the system of this entire machinery that's Hollywood. It feeds in so many more ways than people acknowledge," he emphasized.
This view counters the perception that Marvel's dominance is harmful to creativity, offering instead the argument that the franchise facilitates the development of diverse film genres.
With Thunderbolts scheduled for release in May 2025, Sebastian Stan is excited to reprise his role as Bucky Barnes. He compared the upcoming film to the classic One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, explaining that it will feature a chaotic group coming together under the leadership of one individual.
He described the story to be that of a guy who enters a "chaotic and degenerate," group to find a way to "unite them," hinting at the film's unique approach within the MCU.
In response to those who are quick to judge Marvel, Sebastian Stan urged patience and understanding.
"Keep an open heart. Don't judge so quickly," he advised.
His plea reflects his belief that, while Marvel may not always hit the mark for every viewer, its intentions and contributions to the industry deserve recognition and appreciation.
Sebastian Stan is currently enjoying a diverse range of roles, with his performances in The Apprentice and A Different Man showcasing his versatility. Looking ahead, he will reprise his role as Bucky Barnes in the highly anticipated Marvel film Thunderbolts, set for release in May 2025. These projects highlight his continued prominence in both independent films and major blockbusters.
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