Non Negotiable, by director Juan Taratuto, is the latest addition to the Netflix library, and the movie made its debut on the streaming platform on July 26, 2024. The Mexican comedy thriller follows the crisis a hostage negotiator, who is on the brink of divorce, is faced with, when his wife, Victoria, and the president of Mexico, are abducted.
He must rely on his excellent mediation skills so that he may save their lives and also his marriage. Starring Mauricio Ochmann, Leonardo Ortizgris and Tato Alexander, Non Negotiable is based on an original story by Alejandro De Grazia.
It's written by Julieta Steinberg (Death’s Roulette), Joe Rendón (Harina), Daniel Cúparo (An Unexpected Love) and Marcelo Birmajer (Periodismo para Todos). The Mexican movie is a must-watch for its gripping plot and excellent acting by the cast.
Is Alan able to save his wife and the president at the end of Non Negotiable?
Alan Binder is an excellent negotiator from the law enforcement authority and finds himself in a fix when the president of the country is kidnapped, along with Alan's wife.
The kidnapper is revealed to be his old friend Vincente Zambrano who used to work with Alan in the Mexican Special Forces before he made a blunder that led to all hostages getting killed and Vincente being punished and sent to prison.
Zambrano harbors a feeling of betrayal not only from the government that punished him but also from his friend Alan who didn't have his back and left him to suffer. So he decided to kidnap the President and tie him up to a polygraph to get him to admit all his lies, false promises and corruption on video, which could potentially end the President's career.
Alan must tread delicately in this situation to ensure that no lives are lost. To call for a truce, he promises Zambrano that the video that exposes the President will be kept and leaked, and he also requests to switch places with his wife.
Alan resumes his negotiations with the President saying that he would ensure the removal of all the video evidence against him in exchange for a reduced prison sentence for Zambrano.
However, a hostage negotiator’s job is only to end the hostage situation, and the negotiations made during the situation need not be followed. So, unbeknown to the President, Zambrano and Alan leak the video evidence against the President, which provokes nationwide unrest.
It calls for a general election where Zambrano becomes a social symbol of change and hope, and the President is sent to prison.
What happens to Alan's marriage and his future after the events of Non Negotiable?
By the end of Non Negotiable, Alan saves his wife, Victoria, and the Mexican President. While his wife is safe, the President's career is ruined.
Zambrano is sent back to prison for a shorter term and calls Alan asking him to team up with him for something bigger. Zambrano is seen wearing a T-shirt that says “Lamb for President,” which confirms that the two friends are plotting to run an election campaign next.
Following the ordeal, Alan also saved their marriage. But it's not confirmed whether Victoria had an affair with the fake personal trainer who turned out to be an imposter for Zambrano, luring in Victora and kidnapping her.
At the end of Non Negotiable, the couple run marriage conferences together and advises couples on how to have a healthy, long-lasting marriage where conflicts are dealt with properly. They seem to have put the past behind them and decided to stay together.
While it's left open to interpretation and not shown in the movie, Alan most likely retires from his career as a hostage negotiator after his actions in the President’s hostage situation. That means a new future awaits for him and also a reunion with his old friend.
Catch Non Negotiable now streaming on Netflix.