Directed by Roland Emmerich, White House Down is a political action thriller that stars Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx. The movie revolves around Capitol Policeman John Cale (Tatum), who takes his daughter for a special White House tour. However, after a rogue CIA operative infiltrates the White House with mercenaries, Cale takes the responsibility to save the President of the United States while ensuring the safety of his daughter.
The movie is an all-out action flick with bouts of humor, winning numerous awards and accolades. Viewers who enjoyed White House Down's classic action sequences and storyline can go through this list of seven similar-themed movies.
Speed, Die Hard, and other films to watch after White House Down
1) Olympus Has Fallen - Apple TV+
Directed by Antoine Fuqua, Olympus Has Fallen is a political action thriller that stars Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, and Morgan Freeman. The movie revolves around Mike Banning (Butler), a disgraced secret service agent. Banning has to save the US President and the White House from a North Korean terrorist attack.
Similar to White House Down, the movie's main plotline focuses on the terrorist attack on the White House. Both movies are packed with high-octave action from start to finish.
2) Speed - Amazon Prime Video
Starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, Speed is the quintessential action thriller flick from the 1990s. The movie is about a public transport bus that gets rigged with a bomb by an extortionist. LAPD officer Jack Traven (Reeves) and passenger Annie Porter (Bullock) are left with no choice but to save the people on the bus.
The movie is filled with gripping action moments, combined with humor like White House Down. Both movies also follow the trope of one man successfully saving everyone. A critical and commercial success, Speed was nominated for multiple awards.
3) In the Line of Fire - Amazon Prime Video
Starring Clint Eastwood, John Malkovich, Rene Russo, and others, In the Line of Fire, is a 1993 political action thriller. When an ex-CIA operative poses a threat to assassinate the US President, Secret Service agent Frank Horrigan (Eastwood) is tasked with saving the leader of the country.
Just like White House Down, the movie focuses on one man saving the President’s life with all his might. Fuelled by action sequences that leave the viewer on the edge of their seat, In the Line of Fire was praised for Eastwood’s acting and received multiple award nominations.
4) Die Hard - Apple TV+
A classic action film, Die Hard has paved the way for what a taut action thriller should be like. Starring Bruce Willis as John McClane, and Alan Rickman as the sophisticated villain, the movie was a huge success. It revolves around McClane's effort to save the people taken hostage by terrorists in a Los Angeles skyscraper, one of whom happens to be his wife.
5) Executive Decision - Amazon Prime Video
Starring Kurt Russell, Halle Berry, and others, Executive Decision is an action thriller movie released in 1996. It revolves around a US Army consultant David Grant (Russell), who has to lead a team of officers to infiltrate a hijacked aircraft and save the passengers.
Just like White House Down, the film involves a single man saving people from a terrorist attack. The movie is full of suspense, intrigue, and political bureaucracy, which fans of White House Down will surely enjoy. Directed by Stuart Baird, the flick was praised for being an inventive thriller.
6) Air Force One - Amazon Prime Video
Directed by Wolfgang Peterson, Air Force One is a political action thriller that stars Harrison Ford, Glenn Close, and others. After a US-Russian alliance captures a rogue dictator, President James Marshall’s (Ford) aircraft - Air Force One is hijacked by terrorists in retaliation. In the movie, the President himself attempts to save the lives of the passengers onboard.
Similar to White House Down, Air Force One involves the protagonists saving their families and the office at the same time. The movie was praised for Ford’s and Oldman’s performances and was a critical and commercial success.
7) Independence Day - Amazon Prime Video
Roland Emmerich, the director of White House Down also created another classic sci-fi action film named Independence Day. The film stars Bill Pullman, Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, and others. The movie focuses on the duo of a Marine pilot Steven Hiller (Smith), and an MIT engineer David Levinson (Goldblum) saving the Earth from an alien invasion.
Just like White House Down, the movie Independence Day is packed with non-stop meticulous action sequences. Both movies also combine humor with action.
Viewers who enjoy action thrillers, especially ones that revolve around politics, terrorists, and hijacking like White House Down, can go through this list and choose a movie of their liking.