Split, directed by M. Night Shyamalan, was released on September 26, 2016, marking a return to form for the director after several critical disappointments. The plot revolves around Kevin Crumb (James McAvoy), a man with dissociative identity disorder who sacrifices three kidnapped girls; the narrative follows his 23 different personalities.
A thought-provoking question arises at the conclusion of the film: why did Kevin, particularly his 24th persona - the Beast - spare Casey Cooke (Anya Taylor-Joy)? The actions of the Beast suggest a more profound bond between him and Casey based on their mutual experience of trauma.
In Split, the Beast shows mercy towards Casey due to his recognition of her scars and trauma, viewing her as "pure" and a fellow survivor of hardship.
The Split ending: The rise of the Beast
In Split's final act, Kevin's 24th personality, the Beast, is unleashed by Dennis, one of his more dangerous personalities. The ending explains that Kevin's dissociative identity disorder allows him to not only mentally shift between personalities but also physically change, with the Beast being stronger, faster, and seemingly indestructible.
The Beast represents more than just another personality; it is a physical manifestation of Kevin's belief that those who have suffered are "pure" and deserve to survive, while others are weak. This belief drives the Beast to kill two of the kidnapped girls, but when he encounters Casey, he chooses to spare her.
However, Kevin's original personality is unaware of the atrocities committed by his alters, and when Kevin briefly emerges, he begs Casey to kill him. This adds to the complexity of the ending, as Kevin's core self remains a victim trapped within his own body, manipulated by his darker personality.
The Beast's connection to Casey's trauma
The decision to spare Casey is rooted in her shared suffering with Kevin. Throughout the film, Casey's backstory is revealed in a series of flashbacks, showing the abuse she endured at the hands of her uncle.
The Beast views her as a fellow survivor who has endured pain and become stronger. This shared trauma saves Casey, as the Beast views her as "pure," as he perceives himself.
This connection between Casey and Kevin's personality highlights Split's broader theme of generational trauma. While Kevin's abuse led to the fragmentation of his personality, Casey's experience caused her to retreat into herself.
The reveal: Split a sequel to Unbreakable?
Remarkably, Split is set in the same universe as Shyamalan's earlier suspenseful film, Unbreakable. A diner scene towards the film's conclusion portrays a news announcement about Kevin's behavior, which leads a customer to comment that it elicits recollections of another person from 15 years ago.
The camera then shifts to Bruce Willis, who reenacts his role as David Dunn from Unbreakable. These unforeseen developments provide the backdrop for the forthcoming sequel, Glass (2019), which reveals the storylines of Kevin, David, and Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson).
The concluding disclosure establishes a connection between Split and Unbreakable and reframes the film as a narrative of supervillain origins. Having gained complete mastery over the Beast, Kevin emerges as a formidable presence, and the concluding turn of events suggests a broader storyline in which he will have a substantial impact.
Glass: The ultimate showdown
Split's ending leads directly into the third film, Glass, where Kevin, David, and Mr. Glass come together for an epic conclusion. In Glass, it's revealed that the events of Split happened just weeks before the story of Glass begins.
Now a vigilante hero, David has been hunting Kevin after learning about the Beast's killing spree. As Kevin, David, and Mr. Glass are all locked up in the same psychiatric facility, a final confrontation is inevitable.
Casey returns to Glass, hoping to keep Kevin under control from his darker side. She thinks she might bring Kevin back using her relationship with him, which developed in Split. However, it's obvious as the Beast gets more powerful, Kevin's destiny might already be set.
The last fight between David, Kevin, and Mr. Glass brings the trilogy to a dramatic and surprising end by combining psychological manipulation, strength, and wit.
Final Thoughts
The last scene of Split looks closely at the consequences of trauma and personal past management. Kevin's personalities help him to cope with the agony of his early years, but they finally drive him down a sinister route.
Conversely, Casey gains strength from facing her trauma so she might survive and flee. The Beast's central lesson—that those who have suffered have a unique perspective of pain—is highlighted by the Beast's choice to spare her. He believes that how such people deal with pain defines their future.
The film presents an intriguing story about identity, trauma, and atonement with its great psychological depth, surprising turns, and link to the bigger Unbreakable universe.
The movie is available on Peacock, Amazon Prime Video, and Netflix.