The Children's Train is a historical fiction movie, directed by Cristina Comencini. The Italian film is based on Viola Ardone's 2019 novel, of the same name. Comencini collaborated to write the script of the movie along with Furio Andreotti, Giulia Calenda, and Camille Dugay.
The movie was initially released at the 19th Rome Film Festival on October 20, 2024. The Children's Train is set in 1946 and revolves around a seven-year-old named Amerigo, who leaves his poverty-stricken neighborhood in Naples. He boards a train to live with a wealthy host family in the north as a part of the "treni della felicità" initiative to liberate poverty-stricken children after the war.
The Children's Train embellishes a cast of talented actors, including Barbara Ronchi, Serena Rossi, Stefano Accorsi, Christian Crevone, and Giogia Arena. With cinematography headed by Italo Petriccione and music composed by Nicola Piovano, the movie was first premiered on October 20, 2024, at the 19th Rome Film Festival. The Children's Train premiered on December 4, 2024, on Netflix.
Complete list of cast in The Children's Train
1) Christian Cervone as Amerigo
In The Children's Train, Christian Cervone plays the role of its titular character Amerigo Speranza. He is a seven-year-old boy living with his single mother in Naples, Italy, after World War II, when German troops captured the city. Due to the rising scarcity of resources, Amerigo had to drop out of school. The movie covers his journey, as he boards a train to Northern Italy to start a new life, with an adoptive family.
Christian Cervone is a child actor who made his debut with Cristina Comencini's The Children's Train (2024).
2) Barbara Ronchi as Derna
In The Children's Train, Barbara Ronchi plays the role of Amerigo's adoptive mother, Derna. She is a single mother and a communist worker who decided to adopt Amerigo after all of his friends were adopted. Though Derna initially clarified that she couldn't provide him a mother's warmth, however with time, her affection for the boy kept on growing. She was responsible for nourishing his passion for piano and provided him with an education, a home, and a family.
Born in Rome, Lazio, Itlay, Barabara Ronchi is an Italian actress who is known for her screen credits, including Sweet Dreams (2016), Settembre (2022), Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara (2023), and Familia (2024).
3) Serena Rossi as Antonietta
Serena Rossi plays the role of Antonietta, the mother of Amerigo, in this historical fiction movie. After German allied groups attacked Naples, the families were shattered with repetitive bombings. Anotonietta faced hunger and poverty and realized her son did not have a future living there, so she decided to hand him over to communists, much to other's dismay. The families in Northern Italy agreed to host children war victims until the situation was safe for them to return home.
Serena Rossi is an Italian actress and singer, widely recognized for her role in the 1996 Raid 3 soap opera Un Posto al Sole. Her other major screen credits include Love and Bullets (2017), lo sono Mia (2019), Good Gals (2019), 7 Hors to Win Your Heart (2020), You Came Back (2020), La tristezza ha il sonno leggero (2020), and Beata te (2022).
4) Stefano Accorsi as older Amerigo
In The Children's Train, Stefano Accorsi plays the role of an older Amerigo who grows up with Derna in Northern Italy. After the war ends, Amerigo goes back to his mother, however, this time he decides to board a train back to Derna upon realizing her mother had sold her violin. Amerigo sacrifices his previous life for his passion for violin and grows up to become a music maestro.
Stefano Accorsi is an Italian actor who is best known for The Ignorant Fairies (2001), La tristezza ha il sonno leggero (2013), Italian Race (2016), My Love (2024), and most recently Marconi (2024).
Supporting actors in The Children's Train
The supporting actors in Comencini's new historical fiction movie include:
- Francesco Di Leva
- Beatrice Schiros
- Antonia Truppo
- Monica Nappo
- Nunzia Schiano
- Ivan Zerbinati
- Dora Romano
- Mariarosaria Mingione
- Gennaro Apicella
- Monica Nappo
- Lorenzo Neri
- Lucio Morano
- Domenico Rea
- Sophia Cecere
- Jacopo Pagano Guerrieri
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