Jim Jarmusch's movie The Dead Don’t Die, released in 2019 is a dark comedy and zombie satire that explores a small-town apocalypse with a philosophical twist. With a cast that includes Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tilda Swinton, and more, the movie blends absurd humor and social commentary. As the town of Centerville faces a zombie invasion, the movie unravels unexpected outcomes for its characters.
The story centers on police officers Cliff Robertson (Murray) and Ronnie Peterson (Driver) as they deal with zombies that came from "polar fracking." As the town gets more and more chaotic, some characters find their ways to survive, whereas others don't make it.
By the end of The Dead Don’t Die, it’s revealed that both Zelda and Hermit Bob survive, despite their varied survival instinct. Hermit Bob stays hidden in the woods, watching the residents struggle from a distance. Meanwhile, Zelda escapes the place, flying away in a UFO. Their survival underscores the movie’s commentary on adaptability, self-awareness, and society’s ignorance.
Who are Zelda Winston and Hermit Bob in The Dead Don’t Die?
Zelda Winston, played by Tilda Swinton, is one of the compelling characters in The Dead Don’t Die. She’s a Scottish funeral director who knows how to use a katana sword. Zelda is skilled, calm, and mysterious.
Her ability to deal with zombies and her cool attitude makes her different from the other characters, who aren’t ready for the end of the world. As things get worse, Zelda shows her unusual abilities, and her journey into a UFO hints at her alien origins or her superior intellect.
Bob, played by Tom Waits, is a quiet figure who lives alone in the forest outside Centerville. Bob offers philosophical commentary on humanity's flaws and the materialistic tendencies that ultimately lead to its downfall.
Unlike most people, he doesn’t care about buying things or being part of the busy world, which allows him to survive the zombie outbreak. Bob’s survival is a testament to his ability to thrive independently, with no reliance on modern society or its luxuries.
Zelda and Hermit Bob’s survival represents contrasting paths to resilience. While Zelda’s departure via a UFO suggests a higher understanding or connection to forces beyond Earth, Bob’s survival reflects the value of simplicity, self-sufficiency, and wisdom.
The Dead Don’t Die: What led to the zombie uprising?
In The Dead Don't Die, the zombie outbreak happens because of "polar fracking," which moves the Earth's axis and causes environmental problems. This idea, though not explained in much detail, shows how humans don't care enough about the planet. The disruption wakes up the dead, but these zombies are more than just scary creatures, as they represent human greed and obsession.
The zombies are driven by their past obsessions, such as coffee, Wi-Fi, or luxury goods, reflecting society's excessive focus on consumerism.
While fracking starts the outbreak, the characters' failure to adapt or recognize the dangers is similar to real-world issues like climate change and overconsumption of resources.
The outbreak in Centerville spirals out of control as its residents struggle to survive. Instead of working together, they let their flaws like self-interest, ignorance, and denial to accept the truth take over. Jarmusch’s choice to avoid explaining the technicalities of the apocalypse emphasizes the critique of human folly rather than the mechanics of the zombie genre.
The Dead Don’t Die: What happened to Cliff Robertson and Ronnie Peterson?
Cliff Robertson (played by Bill Murray) and Ronnie Peterson (played by Adam Driver) are the town's police officers who try to help but often mess things up. Throughout The Dead Don’t Die, their interactions bring humor to the grim scenario. Ronnie, especially, talks directly to the audience by saying the situation “will end badly,” which hints that the characters are possibly heading for trouble.
Even though Cliff and Ronnie try to fight the zombies, they both end up dying. Their deaths show that trying to stop an apocalypse caused by human mistakes is pointless. Ronnie keeps saying they can’t escape their fate, which makes his death even sadder as he knows it is coming. Cliff, on the other hand, doesn’t understand what’s happening and dies because of that.
Their deaths contrast sharply with the survival of Zelda and Hermit Bob, emphasizing that those who adapt and change for the better are the ones who endure.
Watch The Dead Don’t Die on Prime Video or Zee5.
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