The Estate (2022) is a dark comedy about estranged, greedy relatives competing for their wealthy aunt's inheritance. The film centers on sisters Macey (Toni Collette) and Savanna (Anna Faris), who, after their family business fails, try to win over their dying Aunt Hilda (Kathleen Turner) for her fortune. However, they soon discover that the rest of the family has the same plan.
Dean Craig is the writer and director of The Estate. Craig is a British screenwriter and director known for his work on films such as Death at a Funeral (2007), Love, Wedding, Repeat (2020) and The Honeymoon (2022).
The film was released by Signature Entertainment on November 4, 2022. It is available on Prime Video and Apple TV.
Cast list of The Estate
1) Toni Collette as Macey
Macey is one of two sisters, alongside Anna Faris' Savanna, who is scheming to win over their wealthy Aunt Hilda to secure an inheritance. Collette portrays Macey as a practical but desperate character. Despite her more rational demeanor compared to her sister, she is still willing to engage in morally questionable behavior to save her diner and make ends meet.
Toni Collette is an Australian actress known for her performances across various film and television genres. Some of her famous work includes Muriel's Wedding, The Sixth Sense, About a Boy, and Little Miss Sunshine. In addition to being nominated for an Academy Award and a Tony Award, she has won five AACTA Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and a Primetime Emmy Award.
2) Anna Faris as Savannah
Anna Faris plays Savanna in The Estate, a quirky, impulsive woman determined to secure her share of a wealthy aunt's inheritance. Faris' character has a reckless, carefree attitude, and leans more into physical comedy. Savanna contrasts with Toni Collette’s more grounded portrayal of Macey, creating a sibling dynamic.
Anna Faris is an American actress and comedian who rose to fame with her breakout performance in the Scary Movie franchise. Her notable credits include The Hot Chick, Just Friends, and The Dictator.
3) Kathleen Turner as Aunt Hilda
Kathleen Turner plays the central role of Aunt Hilda in The Estate. The character is a tough and sharp-tongued matriarch who is terminally ill. The fight for her estate which sparks a family feud is the major plot of the movie. Her character enjoys watching her relatives scramble for her favor, relishing in the power she holds over them as they vie for her inheritance.
Kathleen Turner is an American actress known for her distinctive voice and powerful performances. She acquired prominence with her work in 1980s classics like Body Heat and Romancing the Stone. She has won two Golden Globes.
4) Rosemarie DeWitt as Beatrice
Rosemarie DeWitt plays Beatrice, one of the many relatives competing for Aunt Hilda’s inheritance. Beatrice is Macey and Savanna's cousin, and like the rest of the family, she's willing to resort to underhanded tactics to win Aunt Hilda’s favor. Beatrice is a character who is calculating but often humorous in her scheming.
Rosemarie DeWitt's notable performances include Rachel Getting Married, United States of Tara, and La La Land.
5) David Duchovny as Richard
David Duchovny plays Richard, another cousin who is also competing for Aunt Hilda’s inheritance. Richard is depicted as a clueless, inappropriate character filled with comedic absurdity. The character’s lack of self-awareness makes him one of the film’s most exaggerated figures.
David Duchovny is an American actor, writer, and director best known for his roles as Fox Mulder in the iconic series The X-Files and Hank Moody in Californication.
6) Ron Livingston as James
Ron Livingston plays James in The Estate, Beatrice's husband. James is portrayed as supportive of Beatrice’s ambitions while also revealing his own self-interest and opportunistic tendencies.
The notable credits for Ron Livingston include Office Space, Band of Brothers, and The Conjuring.
Additional cast members of The Estate
Other cast members include Keyla Monterroso Mejia as Ellen, the half-sister of Macey and Savanna, and Danny Vinson as Bill, Hilda's love interest. The film's humor primarily consists of situational comedy and over-the-top antics. Some viewers may appreciate the sharp-edged, cynical tone, while others might perceive it as lacking depth or originality.
Catch the movie on Prime Video and Apple TV.