The Forge is a 2024 Christian drama film directed by Alex Kendrick and co-written with Stephen Kendrick. It serves as a spin-off to their acclaimed 2015 movie War Room. Released on August 23, 2024, in the United States, The Forge quickly garnered praise from critics and audiences alike.
With a budget of $5 million, the movie achieved tremendous success, grossing $40 million worldwide and earning Alex Kendrick his fourth "A+" on CinemaScore. Its meaningful themes of faith, family, and perseverance resonate strongly with audiences.
The emotional depth of The Forge gains much from the music it features. Zachary Leffew, a composer with experience in movie scoring, composed the soundtrack for the movie. Renowned for his ability to create evocative music, Leffew's work wonderfully accentuates the movie's subjects.
Leffew’s talent stems from years of dedication to music. Starting as a trumpet player at age 8, he joined Georgia’s premiere Boy Choir and later honed his skills at Berklee College of Music. Now a film composer and worship pastor, Leffew’s connection to his faith and music shines through in his work on The Forge, creating a memorable and uplifting soundtrack.
All songs from The Forge and their artists
Here are all the songs in the movie:
- Motions - Hulvey
- Don’t Worry Bout It - Wande & Porshe Love
- Your Power - Lecrae & Tasha Cobbs Leonard
- That’s My King - CeCe Winans
- FASHO - Aaron Cole
- What Are We Waiting For - for KING & COUNTRY
- Street Ball - Zack Leffew
- I Lost Track Of Time - Zack Leffew
- Late For Work - Zack Leffew
- Be A Fountain Not A Drain - Zack Leffew
- Our Son Jaylen - Help Me Jesus - Zack Leffew
- I Was Praying Too - Zack Leffew
- There's A Cost - Zack Leffew
- We Grow Together - Zack Leffew
- How Can I Put You First - You Are Lord - Zack Leffew
- Mission Account - Zack Leffew
- Dealing With Dad - Zack Leffew
- I Choose To Forgive - Zack Leffew
- The Sword - Zack Leffew
- I Was That Driver - Zack Leffew
- The Blessing - Zack Leffew
- The Day Ain't Over - Zack Leffew
- Not The Same Young Man - Zack Leffew
- Let Me Lead - You Need To Come See This - Zack Leffew
- The Long Night - Zack Leffew
- Pay Day - Zack Leffew
- Miss Clara's Advice - Zack Leffew
- Who's With Me - Zack Leffew
Plot of The Forge
Isaiah Wright is a recent high school graduate who has a passion for video games and basketball. His life undergoes a significant transformation when his mother, Cynthia, demands that he secure employment or forfeit his residence. Isaiah encounters Joshua Moore, the company's president, while submitting an application to Moore Fitness.
Moore poses him with thought-provoking inquiries. Isaiah's personal struggles, in conjunction with his interactions with Joshua, result in a journey of self-discovery, faith, and personal development. Themes of mentorship, responsibility, and second chances are the focus of this transformative narrative.
All about the music director: Zack Leffew
As a composer, Zack Leffew is recognized for his contributions to the fields of film and television. He initiated his musical career at the age of eight and subsequently pursued advanced studies at Berklee College of Music. He was born in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
His compositions in The Forge enhance the narrative, showcasing his considerable expertise in film scoring and production. Leffew is serving as a worship pastor at Mountain West Church in Georgia in addition to his film work. With his wife Melanie and their three children, he ensures that his professional and personal lives are harmonious.
Cast of The Forge
The cast of the movie includes
- Cameron Arnett as Joshua Moore
- Priscilla Shirer as Cynthia Wright and Elizabeth Jordan
- Aspen Kennedy as Isaiah Wright
- Karen Abercrombie as Miss Clara Williams
- T.C. Stallings as Tony Jordan
- BJ Arnett as Janelle Moore
- Ken Bevel as James
- Benjamin Watson, Jonathan Evans, Jerry Shirer, and Tommy Woodard in supporting roles
Stay tuned for more news and updates on The Forge and similar projects as the new year progresses.