This is The Tom Green Documentary is an upcoming documentary on Amazon Prime Video, scheduled to be released on Friday, January 24, 2025. It is one of the three new projects featuring the 53-year-old comedian that will launch on Prime Video this January.
Tom Green is a comedian, host, actor, and filmmaker from Canada. His claim to fame is The Tom Green Show, which started from a local Canadian network and later took MTV by storm. The show made his particular brand of shock comedy very popular and Tom Green a household name in the 1990s.
This is the Tom Green Documentary charts the journey of the comedian from Ontario, Canada to Hollywood and back. Directed by Green himself, this documentary has a run-time of 97 minutes.
A brief description of the documentary on Prime Video reads:
"From outrageous stunts to a life-changing cancer battle and his decision to trade Hollywood for an Ottawa farm, this is Tom Green like never before. Follow the comedy legend through his most personal moments as he navigates fame, faces illness, and embraces a quieter, more grounded life."
The documentary is produced by Tom Green through Tom Green Productions Canada, along with Rory Rosegarten, David Fortier, Ivan Schneeberg, Todd Lubin, Jack Turner, and Chris Mullington.
Where to watch This is the Tom Green Documentary?
As mentioned before, This is the Tom Green Documentary can be watched on Prime Video from 24 January for members with a subscription. Amazon Prime membership in the US currently costs $14.99/ month or $139/ year, which includes Prime Video.
Prime Video alone in the US is priced at $8.99/ month with a discounted rate for students at $7.49/ month or $69 for the year. Prime Video subscription in Canada is available for $9.99/ month plus taxes after a free trial.
This is the Tom Green Documentary will be followed by two other projects featuring and directed by Tom Green. The first, releasing on January 28 is his comedy special Tom Green: I Got a Mule!, followed by the Amazon Original unscripted series Tom Green Country on January 31.
Both of these will also be released on Prime Video.
Who is Tom Green? What we know from the trailer
The trailer for This is the Tom Green Documentary opens with the comedian making a cliched declaration about it being the first day of the rest of his life. We then see some clips from his old show, The Tom Green Show, followed by a shot of his house in Hollywood, California. He explains how he has moved away from Hollywood after 20 years to live on a farm in Canada with his family.
We see glimpses of his farm life in the trailer, including his dog Charlie, and other animals. The trailer ends with yet another round of clips from his show, while Green says in the voiceover that it is a relief to finally be able to tell his story.
This is the Tom Green Documentary follows the comedian's rise to fame and his fight against testicular cancer, which briefly impeded his career. The documentary will also touch upon the comedian's brief marriage to actress Drew Barrymore (known for E.T. the Extra Terrestrial and Scream) and how they reconnected on her show.
The documentary then circles back to his present life on a 100-acre property on White Lake in Central Frontenac, Ontario, Canada, close to where he grew up. He moved here in 2021 in the aftermath of COVID-19.
Watch This is the Tom Green Documentary on Prime Video from January 24, 2025.
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