In the kaleidoscopic universe of superhero films Deadpool & Wolverine brought together an array of characters that have marked the genre creating a vibrant celebration of its past icons. Among the many stars who reprised their roles one notable absence was Nicolas Cage as Ghost Rider which is a cameo that Ryan Reynolds hoped to secure for the film.
Nicolas Cage was considered for a cameo as Ghost Rider in Deadpool & Wolverine as revealed by Ryan Reynolds in an interview with Collider on August 6, 2024. Reynolds shared that he had reached out to Cage about reprising his role stating the conversation definitely occurred but ultimately did not lead to a cameo.
Cage who previously portrayed Ghost Rider in 2007's Ghost Rider and its 2012 sequel Spirit of Vengeance had expressed in a 2018 Yahoo! Entertainment interview that an R-rated Ghost Rider film could have been more successful similar to Deadpool.
Other cameos and casting decisions in Deadpool & Wolverine
The film did not lack star power or nostalgic callbacks despite Cage's absence. Director Shawn Levy, in a discussion with Variety, detailed the hands-on approach taken by him and Reynolds in securing the cast.
He said that most casting decisions especially the surprise cameos were made through direct outreach to the actors bypassing the usual formalities of agents and lawyers.
"With pretty much no exceptions, every surprise casting in this movie came down to Ryan or I reaching out to the actor before lawyers and before agents [were involved]," Levy explained.
The strategy successfully brought back several iconic characters including Chris Evans as Johnny Storm, Jennifer Garner as Elektra, and Wesley Snipes as Blade. Additionally, the film featured Channing Tatum as Gambit which is a role he had long been associated with but never fully realized until this film.
Levy shared his personal connection to the Gambit project, noting "I know this personally because back in those years, I was one of 25 different directors who met with Channing about directing the Fox ‘Gambit’ movie, and yet it never quite happened."
The legacy and future of Ghost Rider
While Cage's Ghost Rider did not make a reappearance in Deadpool & Wolverine the character's legacy continues to stir interest. Rumors have surfaced suggesting that Ghost Rider may return to the screen with a new actor in the saddle: Ryan Gosling.
Gosling himself expressed interest in the role during a 2022 interview with MTV News’ Josh Horowitz, hinting at his desire to embody the fiery vigilante.
"BUT this morning Ryan reached out to me to say there is one superhero he wants to play…GHOST RIDER," tweeted Horowitz, following their conversation.
The ongoing speculation and enthusiasm for Ghost Rider's return reflect the character's enduring appeal and the potential for reinvention within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
As the superhero genre continues to evolve the blend of legacy characters with new interpretations offers a great opportunity for the plot one that might yet see Ghost Rider blaze across the screen once more in a new guise.
Deadpool & Wolverine is streaming on theatres near you.