Woman of the Hour, a crime thriller, marks Anna Kendrick's directorial debut, where she also stars as the lead. First premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, 2023, Netflix released its teaser on September 17, 2024, with the movie available for streaming from October 18, 2024. The film explores the murders committed by serial killer Rodney Alcala, who appeared on The Dating Game in 1978.
The movie is produced by Daniel Zovatto, Anna Kendrick, Nicolette Robinson, and Tony Hale, with Netflix serving as the distributor. Woman of the Hour after its initial release received a positive reception with a 7.7/10 IMDb rating. On Rotten Tomatoes, it got 90% on Tomatometer out of 51 reviews. With such positive feedback, it becomes more engrossing to see how the movie performs on the streaming platform.
What is the story of Woman of the Hour?
Woman of the Hour revolves around the story of Rodney Alcala, who was found guilty of the murder of multiple women during the late 1970s. Cheryl Bradshaw won a date with Rodney, after appearing on The Dating Game in 1978, without knowing Rodney's neurotic murder tendencies. In Netflix's official teaser, the viewers can see Cheryl on a date with Rodney, where she soon realizes this was a terrible decision.
Rodney was a serial killer who posed himself as a photographer to lure models. Brought up in San Antonio, Rodney had a history of s*xual misconduct for which he was suspended from the Army. Rodney was on recent bail from prison when he appeared on The Dating Game in 1978. He disguised himself as a civilian and even won the game.
Reportedly, Cheryl's rejection intensified his killing tendencies, leading to a series of murders. It was in 1979 when Rodney was found guilty of first-degree murder of multiple women. Woman of the Hour transports between the killer's past and present, chronicling the series of events, contributing towards his killing spree. On July 24, 2021, Rodney died at the age of 77, serving his imprisonment.
Who is in the cast of the movie?
Anna Kendrick along with marking her directorial debut, plays the role of Anna Kendrick in the movie. While Daniel Zovatto dramatizes the role of the serial killer Rodney Alcala. Other major cast in the movie include:
- Nicolette Robinson as Lura
- Darcy Laurie as Marty
- Taylor Hastings as Melanie
- Autumn Best as Amy
- Jessie Fraser as Lisa
- Kelly Jakle as Sarah
- Matt Visser as Josh
- Matthew Kevin Anderson as Mark
- Dylan Schmid as Mario
- Max Lloyd-Jones as Ken
- Jedidiah Goodacre as Arnie
- Jason Simpson as Announcer
- Michael Jonsson as Harold
- Marc Gaudet as Head Mover
Woman of the Hour will be available for streaming on Netflix from October 18, 2024. Make sure to follow us as we cover the latest details on its OTT release on Netflix.
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