What is the true inspiration behind Lifetime’s The Bad Guardian? Chilling details explored

A still from the Lifetime movie The Bad Guardian (Image Via Facebook/@Lifetime)
A still from the Lifetime movie The Bad Guardian (Image Via Facebook/@Lifetime)

The Bad Guardian, by Lifetime, illuminates the wide scope of exploitation in the conservatorship system meant to protect vulnerable senior citizens. The story, which aired on May 18, 2024, is not inspired by any specific real-life incident.

However, the fictional story takes inspiration from numerous real-life conservatorship cases that took a turn for the worse after guardians began abusing their powers.

Taking inspiration from multiple real cases, writer Ashley Gable created a fictional story with relatable characters to depict the horrific reality of guardianship abuse. The film aims to make people aware of the structural problems within court-ordered guardianships.

Influence behind The Bad Guardian

The makers of The Bad Guardian felt compelled to make this film to bring this issue to a wider public's awareness. While speaking to ABC Action News on the eve of the film's release, executive producer Elizabeth Stephen said:

"Every single turn of events is true. It's all real. And, you know, it's shocking. I mean, I was looking at some of your pieces this morning, and it reminded me that this is the stuff that really happens. What happens is they get into the system, and then, as you know, it's almost impossible to get out.”

She continued:

“It's just shocking. Anybody that I watched the film with, they all talk back to the screen, and they look at me and say, No, this couldn't happen. No,”

What is the story of The Bad Guardian?

Actor Eric Pierpoint seen in the film The Bad Guardian (Image Via Facebook/@Lifetime)
Actor Eric Pierpoint seen in the film The Bad Guardian (Image Via Facebook/@Lifetime)

The Bad Guardian is directed by Claudia Myers and produced by Robert Tinnell and Jeffrey Tinnell. The chilling thriller exposes the horrific treatment of many senior citizens placed under guardianship and highlights the legal obstacles that facilitate the abuse and mistreatment in such arrangements.

Rotten Tomatoes described The Bad Guardian's synopsis as follows:

"When Leigh's father, Jason, suffers a fall, the courts assign him a guardian named Janet to help. But when Janet takes over every aspect of Jason's life, Leigh must find the strength to take down the guardian and the corrupt system that supports her."

Melissa Joan Hart plays Leigh Delgado, who tries to get her elderly father, Jason Davis (Eric Pierpoint), out of the clutches of the court-appointed guardian, Janet Timms (La La Anthony). In the film, Janet isolates Jason from his family, uses his finances for personal gain, and gets rid of the whistleblowers who stand to expose her. Thus, creating a truly nightmarish scenario for Leigh.

The Bad Guardian exposes the dangers of guardianship abuse

The film does an excellent job of showcasing the exact premise of guardianship. When an individual is placed under guardianship, they lose their right to self-determination and fully rely on the guardian in all aspects of their life. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to legally challenge and end the guardianship, even in situations involving ill-treatment and misuse of power.

Diane Dimond, author of We’re Here to Help – When Guardianship Goes Wrong, stated on this issue:

“More than some 2 million Americans are currently living under a guardian or conservatorship. It’s estimated that state courts confiscate over $50 billion from their wards. There’s no trial, there’s no right to present opposing witnesses. Usually, the judge will just take the petition, rubber stamp it, appoint the guardian or conservator.”

It is not to say that the conservatorship system has not helped individuals in dire need of assistance. But, it does have glaring flaws that need to be addressed so that its blatant misuse can be prevented in the future.

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