The intriguing drama Bookworm explores the life of a lonely bookworm, Mildred. She finds a secret that upends her peaceful existence. Directed by a promising filmmaker, Ant Timpson, the movie promises a compelling narrative set against breathtaking landscapes. The 28th Fantasia International Film Festival saw the movie's international premiere on July 18, 2024,
The film's synopsis reads,
"11-year-old Mildred's world is turned upside down when her estranged father, the washed-up magician Strawn Wise, comes to look after her and agrees to take her camping to find a mythological beast known as the Canterbury Panther."
Bookworm has captivated audiences with its story and striking images, and the film's distinctive settings are integral to its narrative. It has stimulated the interest of viewers about the actual locations used. The movie has been filmed in the picturesque landscapes of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Disclaimer: The articles contains spoilers. Reader's discretion is advised.
Bookworm's filming location explored
Canterbury, New Zealand, has breathtaking natural beauty, which is highlighted in the movie. Utilizing the stunning and varied landscape of the area, the production produced a captivating visual experience. The following are a few sites where Bookworm was filmed:
Hawdon Plain, with the Mt. Binser backdrop: Large open landscapes with expansive views of the Southern Alps can be found in this location. Key moments in the film are set against the magnificent backdrop of the huge plain encircled by jagged mountains.
Lake Coleridge: Lake Coleridge is a tranquil lake in the Canterbury region. It is renowned for its glistening clear waters and picturesque vistas of the surrounding mountains. Its serene surroundings provide the movie's ambiance with an extra dimension of serenity and mystery.
Frozen Lake near Lyell Hut, end of Rakaia River: This secluded and wintry setting adds to the dramatic and lonesome atmosphere of the movie. The film's plot is bolstered by the stark and eerie backdrop created by the snow-covered terrain and frozen lake.
Washpen Gorge: Washpen Gorge is well-known for its verdant surroundings, cascading waterfalls, and rugged topography. It offers Bookworm an air of adventure and unspoiled beauty. The striking scenery of the valley enhances the visual diversity of the scenes in the movie.
The immersive atmosphere of the locale draws viewers in further. These locations' natural beauty is essential to the success of the movie because it shapes its mood and ambiance.
Bookworm: Plot explored
Mildred, an 11-year-old girl from New Zealand, is fascinated by the Canterbury panther. After an exploding toaster causes her mother to slip into a coma, Mildred's father, Strawn— a magician— agrees to take her on a camping trip to capture footage of the panther. The reward for such footage is $50,000, enough to pay off Mildred's mother's debts.
Mildred and Strawn find the panther drinking from a stream and film it on her video camera. They then meet hikers Arnold and Angelina, who rob Strawn of his phone, wallet, and Mildred's camera. The next day, they encounter Arnold and Angelina arguing in their tent. Mildred steals Arnold's bag and runs away, but discovers that Arnold and Angelina have filmed her panther footage.
The panther approaches Strawn and Mildred at the edge of a chasm, who cross the chasm on a rope to escape. The panther claws through the rope, and Strawn and Mildred fall into the chasm. Strawn gives Mildred a hallucinogenic mushroom to ease her pain and lifts the log off her legs.
Strawn carries Mildred away and again encounters Arnold and Angelina arguing beside a van. Strawn steals the van and films Mildred on his phone. Mildred sees the panther on the road, and tries to avoid it, crashing the van. She wakes up to find herself and Strawn in the hospital.
It is revealed that Strawn captured a brief shot of the panther on his phone just before the crash, allowing Mildred to claim the reward.
Stay tuned for more updates.