Girl in the Garage: The Laura Cowan Story is a powerful Lifetime movie based on real events, depicting the harrowing ordeal of Laura Cowan and her children. This gripping film premiered on January 18, 2025, on Lifetime, as part of its "Ripped from the Headlines" series. Manu Boyer directed the movie, which stars Paige Hurd, Stephen Bishop, and Brad James in the main roles.
The film explores Laura's tale of survival following her captivity in a garage by a purported family friend. Girl in the Garage: The Laura Cowan Story was entirely filmed in Missouri, specifically in Kansas City and the surrounding areas, despite setting it in Los Angeles and Ohio.
The film’s chilling narrative unfolds within the abductor’s garage, a dark and confined space where Laura and other victims endured years of suffering. The filming locations contribute significantly to creating an immersive atmosphere.
Filming locations of Girl in the Garage: The Laura Cowan Story
Kansas City, Missouri
The majority of Girl in the Garage: The Laura Cowan Story was filmed in Kansas City, Missouri. Known for its architectural charm and versatile landscapes, the city provided the perfect backdrop for scenes in Los Angeles and Ohio.
Swope Park, one of Kansas City's largest urban parks, and the historic Westport area were among the neighborhoods that the production team employed. These locations provided the film with a visual diversity that facilitated the replication of the urban and residential settings crucial to the narrative.
Overland Park, Kansas
Just south of Kansas City, Overland Park was another significant filming site. Key scenes were shot at Monstera’s Books on Floyd Street, showcasing its intimate and authentic setting. The location lent an air of realism to the storyline, enhancing the emotional depth of the film.
Corey McCartney, one of the producers, praised Kansas City for its ability to represent diverse locales. He explained that the city’s mix of urban and suburban areas allowed the team to recreate different parts of the country with remarkable accuracy.
How the real-life story influenced filming
Every aspect of the film, including the selection of locations, was influenced by the true story of Laura Cowan. The claustrophobia and despair that Laura encountered were intentionally portrayed in the garage scenes, filmed in Kansas City. The production team's dedication to authenticity guaranteed that the locations closely resembled the actual events.
Plot of Girl in the Garage: The Laura Cowan Story
The film depicts Laura Cowan, a mother of three, experiencing hardships following her husband's imprisonment. Laura seeks assistance from a family friend, Musa, who provides her and her children with temporary housing. Musa's trapping them in his garage renders this act of kindness malevolent.
Laura and her children have been subjected to unspeakable abuse for an extended period of time, which includes sexual assault and physical violence. Laura's courage is demonstrated when she successfully informs the authorities by means of a concealed note. The rescue not only saves her family but also reveals the extent of Musa's crimes by revealing other captives.
Kansas City’s diverse settings provide the perfect canvas for this emotionally charged narrative. Stay tuned for more news and updates on Girl in the Garage: The Laura Cowan Story and similar projects as the year progresses.