Irish Wish is a supernatural romance that premiered on Netflix on March 15, 2024. Directed by Janeen Damian, Irish Wish becomes Damian's second project with Netflix, the first being Falling for Christmas. Written by Kirsten Hansen, Brad Krevoy along with Damian's husband Michael Damian serve as its producers.
Irish Wish follows the story of Maddie Kelly, a book editor who is in love with author Paul Kennedy, the one she ghostwrites for. But she is forced to be the bridesmaid because he is marrying her best friend in Ireland. But things take a magical turn when, by the wish granted by an ancient stone, she turns into the bride.
Irish Wish has a set of very talented actors that includes Lindsay Lohan, Alexander Vlahos, Ed Speleers, Elizabeth Tan, Ayesha Curry, Jane Seymour, and Jacinta Mulcahy. The official synopsis of the movie reads,
Maddie's dream guy is days away from marrying her best friend when a wish for true love made on an ancient stone in Ireland magically alters her fate.
As indicated by the title Irish Wish, Maddie goes to Ireland to have that magical Irish Wedding. Hence, the entire movie is shot in locations around Ireland. A major part of the shooting was done around Wicklow, a town located on the eastern coast, with both mountains and the sea. Other major locations include Westport and Dublin.
All filming locations of Irish Wish
1) Wicklow, Ireland
In Irish Wish, Lough Tay serves as the place, where Maddie makes the wish that changes her entire fate. It is a beautifully striking lake, covering the Wicklow mountains in Ireland. This is a private property that belongs to the Guinness Estate at Luggala and has limited access.
2) Killruddery House
Killruddery House, the Kennedy family's legacy house in Irish Wish, is an 800-acre country mansion on the outskirts of County Wicklow. It dates back to the 17th century and was renovated in 1820 in Elizabethan style. Maddie returns to this place after misplacing her bag.
The Estate of Powerscourt, used as a background location in the film, is a 13th-century castle with 47 acres of gardens. While entry to the estate is restricted, visitors can explore the gardens, shops, and cafes.
3) Westport Town and Charlestown, County Mayo, Ireland
In Irish Wish, Kelly's Tweeds & Knitwear in the Octagon serves as the garment shop, where Maddie goes to dry her wedding dress. The market square, of Westport Town, with lines of shops serves as the meeting place between James and Maddie.
The Mall has some phenomenal Georgian architecture, that makes it a Hubspot for photographers and history enthusiasts. In the movie, the bookshop, West Coast Rare Books, where James enters and Westport Florist, that he passes by are real shops in Westport.
In Irish Wish, Maddie, Heather, and Emma, when they take off their flight from New York to Ireland, they land in Ireland West Airport Knock, Charlestown, County Mayo. From the airport, they all take the bus to Kennedy Estate.
Charlestown is also the place where Maddie stumbles upon James Thomas, the photographer at the airport at the very beginning. Charlestown was earlier called Bath Bay, for its Bath Stream, and during the 18th century was both a naval base. The Hamilton house serves as a notable historical monument in Charles Town.
4) Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
In the movie, the Cliffs of Moher serve as the stunning location for James and Maddie's wedding photoshoot. These breathtaking sea cliffs, running 9 miles and reaching a height of 702 feet, are located at the southwestern edge of the Burren region in County Clare.
The Cliffs of Moher are a popular tourist destination known for their heights and O'Brien's Tower, a round stone tower built by Sir Cornelius O'Brien in 1835 at the cliffs' highest point. Recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site, the area includes the Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark, a favorite spot for geologists, history enthusiasts, and photographers.
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