Directed by Ridley Scott, Alien: Covenant is the sixth film in the Alien franchise. It is a follow-up to Prometheus (2012) and came out in 2017. The movie follows the crew of the colony ship Covenant. But as they explore what at first appears to be an undiscovered remote planet, they soon learn that horrifying aliens will challenge their survival.
The official film synopsis reads,
Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, members (Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup) of the colony ship Covenant discover what they think to be an uncharted paradise. While there, they meet David (Michael Fassbender), the synthetic survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition. The mysterious world soon turns dark and dangerous when a hostile alien life-form forces the crew into a deadly fight for survival.
Many streaming services are accessible to watch Alien: Covenant online. Whether you're searching for digital downloads, subscription services, rental choices, or online streaming.
Watch Alien: Covenant online
Several streaming services have Alien: Covenant available to watch online. With a Hulu subscription, fans can stream the movie as part of their regular package. Depending on regional licensing, HBO Max might have the film available as well.
For rental options, services like Google Play Movies & TV, Apple TV, and Amazon Prime Video all have it available. After renting, the movie is usually available for streaming for up to 48 hours.
Buying the movie to own forever in your digital library is also an option on these platforms. The film is also available on Blu-ray and DVD.
What is Alien: Covenant about?
The story of Alien: Covenant follows the Covenant colony ship's crew. They set out to build a new human community on the far-off planet Origae-6. They decide to investigate it as a possibility after getting a mysterious signal from a nearby planet that is probably habitable. The group initially believes they have arrived in a paradise-like place, but they quickly learn this is not the case.
As they explore and investigate the planet, they encounter David. David is the artificial android from the Prometheus mission from the previous movie. He has been on the planet since the disastrous events of that voyage. The truth about the planet's dark past, including the origin of the deadly Xenomorphs is revealed to the crew.
The team battles for their lives as the creatures hunt them down. They deal with the horrifying consequences of their discovery. David's plan adds another level of threat.
Alien: Covenant's cast
Michael Fassbender plays two characters: Walter, who is a more sophisticated model of David, who works for the Covenant crew, and David, the synthetic android from Prometheus. The story of the movie revolves around his portrayal of these two opposing characters.
Katherine Waterston plays Daniels. She is the ship's terraforming expert. Daniels is portrayed as a strong and cunning survivor. Billy Crudup plays Christopher Oram. He is Covenant's first mate, who reluctantly takes over as captain after the skipper dies. He shows a man torn between his faith and the terrible reality to face.
Danny McBride plays Tennessee, the ship's pilot. Demián Bichir, Carmen Ejogo, Amy Seimetz, and Jussie Smollett are among the other cast members.
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