The Beast Within is a horror-thriller film directed by Alexander J. Farrell from a screenplay he co-wrote with Greer Ellison. It centers around Willow (Caoilinn Springall), who finds out that her father turns into a werewolf at night and goes down a path to unravel the ancestral curse that has plagued her family since generations.
The film is produced by Merlin Merton, Sebastian Street, Martin Owen, and Karl Hall, among others. Furthermore, its executive producers include Brian Beckmann, Addam Bramich, Caylee Cowan, Ben Dukes, etc. The movie was released theatrically in the United States on July 26, 2024.
The film's official synopsis, as per Rotten Tomatoes, reads:
"After a series of strange events leads her to question her family's isolated life on a fortified compound deep in the English wilds, 10-year-old Willow follows her parents on one of their secret late-night treks to the heart of the ancient forest. But upon witnessing her father undergo a terrible transformation, she too becomes ensnared by the dark ancestral secret they've tried so desperately to conceal."
The Beast Within is available to stream on Hulu.
All the streaming options of The Beast Within explored
The Beast Within is the perfect thriller to watch this Halloween season due to its haunting music, supernatural element, and thrilling climax. Viewers can stream the movie on Hulu by subscribing to the basic Hulu plan, which costs $9.99 per month. From November 1, 2024, onwards, the plan's cost will increase to $10.99 per month.
Viewers can also choose to subscribe to one of the Hulu Bundles that offers access to a diverse catalog of movies and shows at a discounted rate. The ad-supported Hulu plan with Max add-on costs $9.99 monthly, while the ad-free version costs $16.99 per month.
The Disney Bundle Duo Basic plan offers access to Hulu and Disney+ (with ads) for a monthly price of $10.99. Moreover, the Disney Bundle Duo Premium plan provides the same service without ads for $19.99 per month.
Moreover, the Disney+, Hulu, Max Bundle costs $16.99 per month with ads and $29.99 per month without ads. Lastly, the Disney Bundle Trio Basic plan (Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+ with ads) costs $16.99 monthly and the Disney Bundle Trio Premium plan cost $26.99 for Disney+ and Hulu without ads, and ESPN+ with ads.
Plot summary
The Beast Within focuses on the 10-year-old girl Willow, who grows up with her father Noah and mother Imogen deep in the remote English forest. On a full-moon night, she discovers her family's dark secret - her father transforms into a beastly werewolf at night.
Willow learns that the ancestral curse that has befallen her father will most likely engulf her as well unless she breaks the generational cycle. With her love and determination, she seeks to rid her family of the generational curse, which is revealed to be domestic violence in the film's climax.
Cast and characters
The main cast list of The Beast Within is given below:
- Kit Harington as Noah
- Ashleigh Cummings as Imogen
- James Cosmo as Waylon
- Caoilinn Springall as Willow
- Ian Giles as William
- Martina McClements as the Great Grandmother
- Adam Basil as a townsperson
- Andrei Nova as Werewolf
- Hugh Coles as Chris
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