A Quiet Place: Day One is an apocalyptic horror film, the third installment in the series, to be released on June 28, 2024. Written and directed by Michael Sarnoski, the film focuses on New York City under attack from an alien invasion. The survivors soon discover that the aliens are attracted to sound, and they must be completely silent to live, which proves to be a difficult task.
Though the film is part of a franchise, it will not have a post-credits scene, based on how its predecessors have gone. Since this film is also a prequel to the original story, there will likely not be much else to reveal at the end of the film.
The official summary for A Quiet Place: Day One reads:
"A woman named Sam finds herself trapped in New York City during the early stages of an invasion by alien creatures with ultrasonic hearing."
Will there be post-credit scenes in A Quiet Place?
No, it is most likely that there will be no post-credit scenes in the movie. While Paramount Pictures has not officially made a statement on this, the previous 2018 and 2021 installments of the film have also not followed the practice of including a post-credits sequence. It is only logical that the same should follow.
Additionally, the film is a prequel, which doesn't leave much to tease fans with at the end. Fans already know the basic premise of the established horror universe after the alien invasion, without an extra scene.
Read more: A Quiet Place: Day One - Every dumb decision the characters make
What is A Quiet Place: Day One about?
The film is the third installment in the Quiet Place franchise established by John Krasinski. It is set to release in theaters on June 28, 2024. Meanwhile, it premiered at the Tribeca Festival on June 26.
It focuses on Sam, a cancer patient in New York, who ends up leading a group of survivors as they try to avoid the extraterrestrial aliens attacking the city.
The story is based on John Krasinski's idea, but the actor-director is not returning to the helm of the franchise for this film. A Quiet Place: Day One is directed by Michael Sarnoski and co-produced by Platinum Dunes and Sunday Night Productions. It was initially supposed to have been directed by Jeff Nichols, who dropped out of the production of the film in 2022 due to creative differences.
The audience can certainly expect a new storytelling perspective from the new director's lens. In an interview for DiscussingFilm, Sarnoski explains his take on the franchise by saying:
"John [Kransinski] did give me a lot of freedom to create something that remains true, yet also very different from the first two movies."
The film is led by award-winning actress Lupita Nyong'o (Black Panther) as the character of Sam. The main cast of the film includes:
- Lupita Nyong'o as Sam
- Joseph Quinn as Eric
- Alex Wolff as Reuben
- Djimon Hounsou as Henri
- Eliane Umuhire as Zena
Read more: How long is A Quiet Place: Day One? Runtime and other details
Audiences can watch A Quiet Place: Day One in theaters, releasing on June 28, 2024.