Wolfs, a mix of crime and comedy, premiered on Apple TV+ on September 27, 2024. The film features George Clooney and Brad Pitt, reuniting for the first time since the Ocean's trilogy. Directed by Jon Watts, known for Spider-Man: No Way Home, and produced by Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal, Wolfs is a fun weekend movie now available for streaming exclusively on Apple TV+.
The film started with a high-stakes scenario as two professional cleaners, played by George Clooney and Brad Pitt, were unwittingly called to the same hotel room to dispose of what is believed to be a dead body. The confusion started when each cleaner was hired separately through connections they thought were trustworthy.
The setup raised the stakes and introduced the central conflict. But later it becomes clear that this overlap was no accident but a strategic move by their mutual employer to pit them against each other. And it was done to inflict a deeper conspiracy involving high-level crime and betrayal.
Wolfs ending explained: Why were drugs found in the kid’s backpack?
The discovery of drugs in the Kid’s backpack introduced a major plot twist that complicated what was supposed to be a simple cleanup job. The drugs were tied to several criminal factions, hinting at a larger underworld network into which the fixers were inadvertently dragged.
This plot point served to escalate the tension because the fixers had to handle a body and the stolen goods that several violent parties were determined to reclaim. The presence of the drugs ultimately revealed the deeper layers of deception and manipulation at play and connected various characters and motives.
Wolfs ending explained: How did the kid survive?
Surprisingly, the Kid, played by Austin Abrams, survived the ordeal despite being presumed dead. His survival was crucial as it shifted the dynamics of the movie between the characters. He was initially just a liability but became an asset when it was revealed that he knew the location of the drug drop-off.
The Kid’s character added major complications to the simple cleanup job and to the plot, embodying innocence and chaos that disrupted the calculated plans of the fixers and their bosses. His continued existence propelled the story forward into a maze of decisions about loyalty, morality, and survival.
Wolfs ending explained: What was the real plan behind the set-up at the diner?
The climactic diner scene served as the crucial moment of revelation. Here, Clooney and Pitt’s characters piece together that the entire night’s events were orchestrated to end with their deaths eliminating loose ends in a sprawling criminal scheme.
The discussion they had unraveled the meticulously planned setup by their employer who intended for them to be caught in the crossfire, thereby resolving multiple problems in one fell swoop.
Wolfs ending explained: Are Clooney and Pitt’s characters destined to die in the ambush?
The film left audiences on a cliffhanger with Clooney and Pitt’s characters surrounded in the diner, poised for a shootout. The ending raised questions about fate, choice, and survival. The ambiguity of their survival was a deliberate plot choice that allowed viewers to speculate about the possibilities of escape or death.
The unresolved conclusion served as a perfect setup for a potential sequel where the consequences of their actions and the uncovered truths will undoubtedly lead to new alliances and conflicts.
Wolfs is available to stream on AppleTV+.