Your Fault, premiered on 27 December 2024, is a Spanish young adult romantic drama directed by Domingo González on Prime Video. The film is the continuation or sequel of the acclaimed My Fault (2023) and advances the narrative derived from the Culpables series by Mercedes Ron.
Featuring Gabriel Guevara and Nicole Wallace, the film explores the intricacies of love, trust, and betrayal. The plot of Your Fault (Culpa Tuya) follows Noah and Nick as they navigate new challenges in their relationship while starting university and embarking on professional careers.
The main cast includes Nicole Wallace as Noah and Gabriel Guevara as Nick, supported by Marta Hazas, Iván Sánchez, and others.
The relationship between Noah and Nick falls apart in the finale as a result of several misunderstandings and betrayals that reveal the root of their trust problems.
The breaking of Nick and Noah's bond happens at the Annual Gala when secrets about Nick's family and Noah's lies cause a painful breakup. The film's emotionally charged and shocking ending leaves viewers wondering what happens to Noah and Nick next.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Your Fault. Readers’ discretion is advised.
Explaining the ending of Your Fault
Briar's revenge at the Annual Gala
The Annual Gala is a significant part of Your Fault's ending since, during this event, tensions reach their highest. To seek her vengeance, Briar—Nick's vindictive ex-girlfriend—uses the kitchen as a backdoor to bring Nick's mother, Anabel, to the gala.
Dramatic events unfold as a result of this act, putting strain on relationships and revealing hidden truths. The sacred event is interrupted by Anabel's presence, which drives the plot toward its climax through uncomfortable confrontations and revelations.
Anabel’s shocking revelations
Anabel surprises everyone by attending the gala and dispelling rumors she left Nick. When she reveals that Will, Nick's father, is Maggie's father, family dynamics become more complicated. This revelation surprises everyone, adding to the treachery and deceit.
The family's emotional turmoil and Noah and Nick's relationship worsen after Anabel's revelation. All characters now have to face unpleasant realities.
Noah’s betrayal and the paternity test
Anabel's paternity test discloses Nick's father's surprising truth. After Noah lets Anabel steal Will's toothbrush to access his DNA, Will's true identity is revealed. Noah's manipulation by inserting legal letters into Nick's office deepens the conflict. The breakup is inevitable because her actions erode Nick's trust.
Nick’s impulsive kiss with Sofia
Nick acts without thinking by kissing Sofia in front of Noah at the gala. He feels completely betrayed by Noah. Not only does this act of revenge make things worse between Noah and Nick, but it also sets off a chain of regrettable events.
Nick's public display of affection for Sofia is a turning point that shows how angry and desperate he is. It makes his relationship with Noah even more complicated.
Noah’s encounter with Michael
Noah is heartbroken and soaked in the rain after the gala. She visits Michael's apartment searching for solace, which results in an ambiguous encounter. Despite her despondent state, Noah kisses Michael, symbolized by the heart necklace Nick gave her, crashing to the ground.
This moment represents the dissolution of her relationship with Nick, leaving her feeling even more bereaved. The story is further complicated by the ambiguity surrounding Noah and Michael's interaction.
The final goodbye in Your Fault
The final moments of Your Fault confirm Noah and Nick's breakup. Nick drives off after Noah leaves her apartment. Noah finds a touching message from Nick at her father's grave, emphasizing their separation. Some feelings remain. It somehow suggests their story is not over. Unresolved tension leaves their future uncertain, making the film's ending poignant and emotional.
Your Fault is available to stream on Prime Video.