In 2021, Apple TV+ released a documentary film featuring Billie Eilish, titled Billie Eilish: The World's A Little Blurry. The director of the documentary, R.J. Cutler, began filming it in February 2019, shortly before Eilish's debut studio album - WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? - was released.
It followed the singer-songwriter on her world tour, her fangirl moment with Justin Bieber at Coachella, getting her driver's license, and, ultimately, her first Grammy award(s). The World's A Little Blurry was released on Apple TV+ on February 2026, 2021, and was nominated for a number of critically acclaimed awards, including the Primetime Emmy.
Most of the documentary has been recorded inside Billie's two-bedroom apartment in the Highland Park neighborhood in L.A., where Finneas and her have recorded songs like Bury a Friend and My Strange Addiction in their bedroom studio.
Billie Eilish's family gave Cutler 500-600 hours of footage for the documentary
Billie Eilish: The World's A Little Blurry is filmed in the verité style, focusing not only on Eilish's rise as a musical sensation but also on her growth as a daughter, a sibling, and, most of all, a growing teenager. The generosity and empathy Billie devotes to her fans are another strong element displayed in the movie.
Jenna Rosher, the cinematographer for the documentary, who spent the most time with Billie Eilish throughout the filming process, said about her:
"We knew this person was a journey. There was a lot of hints that Billie was going to explode in some way."
While the documentary was shot after February 2019, it also contains a lot of pre-2019 footage as well, almost all of which were shot by her mother, Maggie Baird. Besides recording her children on her iPhone, Baird also had the foresight to set up a GoPro in their bedroom, where all the music was composed and recorded.
Cutler's team received about 500-600 hours of footage from Baird to add to the 1,000 hours shot by his team. Talking about the filming experience at a post-screening Q&A session, the director remarked how the relationship between the filmmaking team and subjects grew over time as they got to know each other more and more and became more open.
"Billie and Maggie and Patrick and Finneas were so available from the beginning that the material is incredibly rich from the beginning. But it gets even as the film goes."
Cutler also revealed how he didn't see Billie Eilish or anyone else in the family see any footage until the picture was locked, which was something the Ocean Eyes singer was grateful for, saying:
"I think it's smart of them that they didn't let me have any say in it, because it shows more of my life without me trying to control the narrative."
Eilish also remarked that while not being able to see the final cut for so long was "torturous," it proved beneficial in the end, and she was "happy it went like that."
Eilish admitted to being "excited and scared and nervous" about her documentary's release
The thing that stands out about Billie Eilish: The World's A Little Blurry is that the film doesn't censor the dark moments of Eilish's life. The occasional frustration and the romantic disappointments - they're all portrayed and captured in their raw form.
At her first post-screening Q&A in Hollywood, the singer-songwriter brought up the same realness, admitting how she felt "excited and scared and nervous, and worried and hopeful" about it, further saying:
"It was not acting, I wasn't playing a character. It was a real life footage of my life... It was a very real and good interpretation of my three years that you were filming it, or however long it was, and it's really scary.
She added:
It's hard to tell anybody a lot of information about your life, let alone put it on a platform for literally anyone in the world to see."
Billie Eilish was present at the screening with her entire family as well as the film-making team behind it. Her mother, Maggie Baird, when asked about her experience with the filming of the documentary, answered:
"I love movies. I love documentaries, especially. I did not welcome the idea of being in one. But I knew, as a viewer, that it was worth documenting. So it was kind of like for the greater good."
Since the movie came out, Eilish, who had won five Grammys at the time, won two more in the following year. She also released a second album, Happier Than Ever, and recorded the theme song for a James Bond movie, for which she won an Oscar.
Fast forward to 2024, Billie Eilish released her third studio album - Hit Me Hard and Soft - and is currently prepping for its accompanying world tour, which kickstarts in September.