On December 26, 2024, rapper Drake (originally named Aubrey Grahams) brought his mother, Sandi Graham, on a holiday special live stream with internet personality Adin Ross. During the stream, titled "Drizzmas Giveaway," Sandi Grahams shared a message for her son and his fans after appearing alongside him nearly after 15 years.
“There’s always a chance for things to change in life. It’s not always when you want it, how you want it but things will get better. I promise you, they will get better for you. So tonight is an opportunity for us to be excited for the people that will have something now in their lives," she said.
Drake said it was a "W (win)" for his mother, and Grahams responded that she could "go on." Finally, Drizzy said they were all "moved by her words."
Fans took to X to react to Champagne Papi bringing his mother on the live stream on Kick, with many considering it a motive to get more engagement. One X user wrote:
"Bros really using his mom to clip farm," one X user wrote.
"Mama Drake is in the house!!!," another fan exclaimed.
"does she know about the kids," a netizen jibed.
"She hears meet the grahams," another X user chimed in.
Meanwhile, some fans also appreciated Sandi Grahams' words:
"Drake putting her on and giving her the spotlight was real nice," a netizen wrote.
"on some real sh*t, pardon my language momma.. I needed to hear that bad. Thank you for the wisdom <3," a fan remarked.
"I actually like his mom’s she a real one," another user added.
Drake's parents, Dennis and Sandi Grahams, separated when the rapper was five
Drake was born to parents Dennis and Sandi Grahams (nee Sher) in 1986. However, the rapper spent most of his childhood with his mother after his parents split when he was five.
In a 2016 interview with Office magazine, musician Dennis Grahams recalled meeting Sandi Sher for the first time. He met her during his first trip to Canada when he was performing at a bar with Jerry Lee Lewis.
“That’s [Canada] where I met Drake’s mother. I was at the bar, asking the bartender where I could find cigarettes. So, she goes — Sandi, is her name — she goes, ‘Here, have one of mine.’ And that was it,” Grahams recalled.
Grahams moved to Toronto and married Sandi in June 1985. The couple welcomed their only son, Aubrey Grahams, aka Drizzy, in October 1986. In 1991, the Grahams split up, and Sandi took full custody of Drizzy. The rapper was five at that time.
In an appearance on The Shop, Drizzy recalled the time of his parents' separation and said:
“I was really hard on my parents for giving me sort of a childhood that I had to wrap my mind around as I grew. Multiple times I sort of suggested that they could have done a better job at co-parenting, sticking together, not being so divided.”
The Toronto-based rapper also explained that he would like to set a better example for his son Adonis as a single father. Drake had welcomed his son with Sophie Brussaux in 2017.
“I am a single father learning to communicate with a woman who, we’ve had our moments. No matter what happens, I have unconditional love for the mother of my child because I want him to love his mother and I have to project that energy.
“I didn’t come from that [peace]. I came from my mother being like, ‘Your dad is this.’ My dad would never speak ill of my mother — ever, ever, ever. My mother is the nicest, kindest, sweetest woman, but she’s a woman scorned and a woman who is exhausted."
In his music, Drake often mentions his parents, particularly his love for his mother. In his 2009 single The Calm, the rapper mentioned both his parents. Later, he also referred to Sandi Grahams in his tracks You & The 6 and God's Plan. In honor of his parents, Drizzy has tattoos of both of them on his skin. His father has also returned the favor.