Sabrina Carpenter has left social media users and her fans ecstatic after she dropped the teaser of her upcoming music video, Taste, featuring Jenna Ortega. The 16-second clip was shared by the singer on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, where Carpenter announced that the full video would be released on Friday, August 23, 2024.
In the short clip shared, Sabrina Carpenter can be seen grabbing a knife, from the many weapons on a bed, and then she enters a home and goes up the stairs. She is then startled to see Jenna Ortega with a man in the shower, and that is where the video stops.
As she uploaded the clip, social media users expressed excitement at seeing Jenna Ortega and Sabrina Carpenter together in a video. As an X account, @PopBase, uploaded the video, one internet user commented and said:
“This is literally the cherry on top of this week.”
Others also joyfully commented and said:
“Omg we cannot wait to watch!” stated one social media user.
“Everyone with TASTE will be watching,” commented another netizen.
“The way they grew up on Disney together and now this… I’m not crying you are,” wrote another X user on the post.
“Girlie is hustling, can't wait to watch the MV Of Taste,” exclaimed another user.
“I believe no one can hate on this, it's fire,” wrote an internet user.
"Exciting collab! Jenna Ortega and Sabrina Carpenter are going to make this video amazing." stated a netizen on the video shared.
Taste is Sabrina Carpenter’s third song from her sixth studio album, Short & Sweet
Sabrina Carpenter shocked the masses when she released the short teaser of her upcoming music video of Taste, which is to be released on Friday, August 23, 2024. This would be Carpenter’s third song from her sixth studio album, Short & Sweet.
Social media users have already been super excited about the new song, and Jenna Ortega being in the music video has made netizens even more gleeful about the release.
The lyrics of the song will be about relationships, and the issues one faces. The song is written by Julia Michaels and Amy Allen, while the music video is directed by Dave Meyers.
The song becomes the third from the album, as Sabrina has already released Espresso, and Please, Please Please. The two songs already released are topping the charts globally and became fan favorites as soon as they were released.
While the two songs have already been released, the rest of the album will also be released on August 23, 2024. There are a total of 13 songs in the album, including Please Please Please, Espresso, Taste, and other songs like Good Greaces, Sharpest Took, Bed Chem, Dumb & Poetic, Slim Pickins, Juno, and Lie to Girls.